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damn that hurt


Tommy Gun-Nexus

True! Someone shoulda warned me!

At Mayhem 2 years ago (Brighton), a GZ player dived into the snake in the final game and popped his shoulder out. Dude sounded like he was in extreme pain! He was carried off the field and went straight to hospital. The worst thing (for GZ) is that Joy Division won the event by 1 point!!

I also heard bad storys about Okey (K2) breaking his leg at a woodland event last year..


I remember playing Campaign Cup

when it was back in the woods; some hard - or stupid, depending on your point of view - players used to insist on playing without a faceplate. We were playing one of these guys...he ended up geting carried off the field, bleeding from the mouth and holding a couple of teeth, after he took a shot in the mouth. Oh, and crying his eyes out.

Hard as nails that lad.


Feb 27, 2003
rec balling, legged it on the sound of the horn. ran off and hit a tree root. kiss goodbye to the my big toe nail, just came right off. landed in a ditch and passed out.

i may be a wuss but i wasn't shot out!!!!!!!


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
i remember when gogger snapped his calf muscle on the breakout at a trainin day. And when he fell over an broke his nose recballin. Funny as f**k!!!!!! Hard as nails that lad........!


Well-Known Member
oh and ..
my friend decided to have a paintball game in the back garden.
thinking he was soo dam good (he had only played rec ball once)
he was at it... you wont get near me i have an amazin aim.
ok so... i shout go.. and i fire a few rounds.
at this point he was already ****ting himself
and decided to pick up his bunker and run with it
(the lil cheet)
so i ran right up to him (well walked) he was too scaid to come out
then he saw me and started sqweeling like a pig not to
shot him.
so i bunkerd hin in the back of his haid...muhahahaha:D

he was in tears for atleast 10 mins (gigle)


Old School, New Tricks
Bah, weaklings.

Lemme see, paintball ONLY injuries?

Medial Mallius fracture, left ankle. Basically, snapped the bone. Running in the woods, hit a gopher hole in my spikes. The spikes grabbed, ankle rolled. Snap, broken, kept playing on it anyway. "Immobilised" for 6 weeks.

4 stitches on the bottom of my right foot. Back in the day when I wore tabi boots (ninja shoes for you cretins). Stepped on a log with dry rot, went right through it, and something under it (glass or metal still not sure) slashed into my heel. 4 stitches at hte Mayo in Rochester, went back to the field after my stitches were in.

Road Rash : Baseball slide on a gravel pit in Phoenix, AZ. the gash was deep enough that it needed a DEEP cleaning of sand and debris. Played two days later with a bandage and no kneepad on my left knee.

Locked vertebrea : Playing at EMR, I was chasing two guys and went off a cliff (I couldn't see it, tere were trees in front of it.) I fell 15 feet or so, landing on my left knee. Instead of hte knee breaking, the shock traveled up my thigh bone, into my hip, and into L3 and L4 vertebrea. They locked together. To this day it gives me grief. You don't want to know how long that took to crack back into place (or how many chiroprachtors it took...) It's one of hte reasons I wear the packs I do, BACK SUPPORT.

Lemme see, I won't count the expected abbrasions and scrapes, I can ignore some of the more tame muscle pulls, and the "permanent welts", the "groin hits" and the gangleon I got because of a paintball strike...

I played with a broken wrist at Knoxville and Skyball 2002, but that was a pre-existing condition. But playing with a cast is entertaining, to say the least. And the floating bone chip in my elbow, that's another thing too.

What else have I done to myself? Umm, I think that's about it. I haven't needed to be carried off the field yet, I've never lost conciousness, and I haven't bled out of control yet. That's a good thing. But, hey, the year is still young.



Cool Man.
Jun 6, 2002

Wow, Tyger dude, how long you been in this game? If ya dont mind me askin' cause i mean i had my fair share of knocks and bumbs but man that is a tall list of painful occurences.

The old "jumpin the snake and dislocating my shoulder" gag is meant to be one to look out for (in terms of pain threshhold).... and rackin' ya nutsuck cause some mother has shout ya groin is always a classic (especialy when you are a marshal). Holy hell at the guy with no face plate, what a nutbar......... damn brave though:D

keep em comin though... love readin these :D
