Damm man Dartford was full of totty boy!!!
Dudes if you wanna goto a tourney for chicks this be the shiz man, never seen so many chick with balls (paintballs you filthy people) playing a UK tourney before it was quality, nothing better than kicking back on the old lunch break admiring the talent walking past guns in hand (sounds so wrong man)
Yo Yo Yo check it its the hey fever annoncer cumin at cha, this was the first time I had played at Dartford and apart from being a million ba-jillion miles away from Manchester it was all good, well organised good tunes as well man a was well impressed like need some more 50 Cent up in there though.
Tigers marshalls by far the best of the 3 fields, I aint having a winge here but the other two fields were pretty poor judging wise, I aint gonna start bitching about refs cause I hate readin about it so I aint gonna preach but stuff that was pissing me off was SO basic man, like why the hell do the refs not stand or kneel or woteva INFRONT of the player they are watching on the side the paint is coming in, that way you can see as soon as their hit, which funnily enough you can't do standing at the sideline or behind the player, if a player makes a move on another player a REF has to watch him man. And what happened to the judges word is final rule? Seems that went out the window to, we got a few appologies from some marshalls today for bad calls against us, n we aint bad dudes man we know crazies make mistakes sometimes but little things mentioned above would have helped alot
Thanks to all the teams Eclipse played today we really enjoyed mixing it up with you guys, it was the teams 2nd tourney and we really had alot of fun, cheers for all ma homies who threw loads of drugs at us when we needed them (hayfever tabs) and to Wolf Pac who gave us a **** hot game bit of a cock up at the end like but regardless what went down we really enjoyed playing you guys and look forward to playing you guys soon, although not as much as we are looking forward to playing Atmosphere again, who ever the crazy mofo was that came for me in that T-bag your gettin hurt dude
Thanks to the Planet crew for all their help and gettin the team there and Tommy Gun Pemberton for gettin our nice new tops all tha way fae tha USA which Hybrid manage to re-colour for us, Nicky T for teching (av I spelt that wrong?) for us useless mofo's all day and our favorite guy who gives us loads of free **** (well cigs) Mr piper from EVIL... BABY!
Nexus Eclipse will be playing more UK tournies later in the year so see all you crazies there.
the new n Improved
Mak Dizzle

- coming to a 50 near you!
p.s Come on Portugal