Originally posted by Disasterpieces
Wow didnt think i'd get this many replys but thanx for all of them, oh and Martin (Dannefaerd) leave my sister alone , Wat habbits r u on about? the only habbits i have r playin paintball and sleeping in .
i'm surprised Beaker didnt reply to this thread actually?
oh well cheers -Josh-
Dude - I've been keeping tabs on you Josh
Ices - that is Josh in the pic, he's an agg baller fo sho
Just to let you know that when i was down in NZ last year even though the scene is small I saw some guys down there with what I think is some real talent, kinda like the same thing we saw in what is now Nexus at the trials that started all that.
Anyway, Josh and Jono are 2 guys that are hopefully coming over to play some ball here, play the bigger events and basically just see where they can get to, what teams picks them up etc.
But yeah, those guys can ball, as for bad habits, he has a few - he has a thing for showing off his bright white socks and like many 17yr olds he doesn't quite know when to shut up
but I hear he's getting better at that
as for his sister, I can't go there...but yeah she is OK I 'spose