Originally posted by Robbo
Dammit, I just got off the fone from the person I thought was Aight, it ain't him
Robbo, I have to admit that I am pretty flattered to have been mistaken for somebody you know. I am in all honesty just a nineteen year old novice player from Canada. The boys and i are all big fans of your articles and you haven't let me down. Good point about women wanting to be looked at, vanity is indeed a strong force. I conceed that my original view was too pretencious, but I hold firm on my stance on the 'She's all that' article.
Thank-you to all for contribting to my thread I will continue posting here as I find the discussion is far more interesting than local sites.
Finally I invite you all to visit my team's site which i have developped through the use of my limited skills (no joke). Any imput would be greatly appreciated, just remember that before you critisize I am Canadian: no matter what the issue..it's not my fault
Sean Eidt