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Campaign players party


Mar 7, 2002
Sunny UK!

Just checked the website and The Hippodrome is available for hire!!!!

Think it could be quite costly though.

However, they do provide DJ, buffet, barstaff etc. Basically it's just hiring out a nightclub.

If there's less than 500 in the party then they let the locals in too which means WOMEN!!!

And more blokes as well, but they wouldn't be able to impress the ladies by telling them how they busted open a game with a triple mugging followed by a superb clean dive into the left tape snake, before popping up and snapping the remaining 4 players and running the flag back!!!!

Oh, also I don't know if they provide podium dancers for private parties!!!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2002
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The Hippodrome would be too big. The ideal venue would have to be small enough so that it is personal to the players and representative of the atmosphere of the event. The venue cannot be in Central London cos it would be too far from the majority of the players and party goers. So what do you suggest? I sure as hel dont wana be wondering round Streatham/Lewisham at 3 in the morning trying not to get shot/mugged/knifed/and raped (for the female players) etc......

So....any ideas?



New Member
Apr 3, 2003
Sussex, England
Originally posted by sjt19
................................. at 3 in the morning trying not to get shot/mugged/knifed/and raped (for the female players) etc......
Thats a good night out in this part of the world!:)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2002
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Originally posted by mikeyR
Thats a good night out in this part of the world!:)
Thanks you, thats very constructive. im sure that that will help the organisers of the players party no end.:rolleyes: :confused:


New Member
Apr 3, 2003
Sussex, England
Originally posted by sjt19
Thanks you, thats very constructive. im sure that that will help the organisers of the players party no end.:rolleyes: :confused:
Er............chill! Just a little light relief O.K.:)

If you want constructive:

If money is the main issue then would players be prepared to finance it themselves, doubtful after all the other expenses of attending an event like this. If the organisers cant do anything official, which I think is a bit feeble to say the least, then this unfortunatley does become an issue for the players to address.

Players parties should be at the end of an event, for two reasons, people can go get drunk and not worry about playing in the morning and, secondly, its then a celebration for the winners and of the event itself.

With this in mind, a lot of nightclubs do not open Sundays, so hiring one for a private function should be easier(not already open like a Saturday & want extra business), but be prepared to pay more because they have to provide overtime for staff etc.

If you can have the party at the venue then great. If you want to keep the costs down then look for a DJ that will give their time for free i.e. a young kid who wants to practice their set. Or find a band that will perform for the same reasons, practice. I'm sure that in this community of ours somebody knows somebody thats willing to provide entertainment.

Failing that, if you cant hold a party at the venue, then find a local hotel that has a large enough ballroom/dining room/conference room thats willing to take you. There must be one near Crystal Palace available, after all this is London we are talking about! As this is then a private party, much like a wedding reception, access to the under-18 players will not be a problem (normal rules on drinking alcohol apply though, sorry peeps:) )

As we talking about London, the Hippodrome is a fantastic club but the bars in that area are picky about who they let in, and large groups of males, even with female partners, are probably going to get turned away.

A party at one easy to reach venue with no acess restrictions is, in my humble opinion, the best option.

Constructive enough for you, sjt19?



Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Got to love the stereotyping about Lewisham:rolleyes: Yep it does have a bad rep, but people get beaten up stabbed and murdered in Surrey too you know.

You actually have the "Venue" in Lewisham, and whilst it may not appear to be in the best location, it is a huge club that is fairly relaxed.

I myself have never had any trouble in there (nor seen any), and it's certainly big enough for upto a hundred (likely max number anyway), to slip in at different times unnoticed.

It plays a wide mix of music in different rooms, not to mention has a large range of young free and available women (well anything from 14 to 40).

And besides last time I checked, ballers were faaaarrr from sophisticated enough to worry about where they were drinking anyway.


New Member
Oct 24, 2001
do you have an idea of numbers for this ?

Let me know and I'll speak to some people about possible venues. Depending on music required I can also recommend / get DJs at reasonable rates (like throw in some drinks and transport costs)