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Campaign Cup Gun Rules


PS BunkerKids Id sooner play against a team with ramping than one that thinks bonus balling people is a good idea. [/B]
i don't bonusball people that is merely a slogan of a clothing line i'm creating...

And y6ou say that you wouldn't want to play against people that bonusball, but by playing agaist someone with ramping you are basicly setting yourself up to be bonusballed, because instead of them shooting 3-4 balls at your bunker they shoot 15, that's an 11bps difference i see, so i really don't think that your argument is that good...
Originally posted by Bunkerkidz
i don't bonusball people that is merely a slogan of a clothing line i'm creating...

And y6ou say that you wouldn't want to play against people that bonusball, but by playing agaist someone with ramping you are basicly setting yourself up to be bonusballed, because instead of them shooting 3-4 balls at your bunker they shoot 15, that's an 11bps difference i see, so i really don't think that your argument is that good...

Well I played against teams with ramping all of this season at the PA and I wasnt bonusballed any more than when playing against teams shooting semi.

Nobody is going to shoot at you continually for a full second, so I think you need to go back to the drawing board with your theory.


Wizard, of sorts...
Feb 27, 2002
Nottingham, England
Although im generaly not a fan of ramping, i would like to see if the argument that it leads to more stagnant games and more injuries has any wieght.

The NXL has been full auto for over a season now, has that made a massive difference to the ammount of movement in games? Also XBall is a lot more intense format, with hundreds and hundres of points being played over the average PSP tourney both in NXL (FA) and divisional (ramping).... has there been large amounts of injuries as a result of the enhanced fire modes?

Im sure someone with some educated knowledge in the area could help out, Baca?


Pretty boy
Jul 10, 2001
Still awaiting a response regarding legality and insurance.

Why the hell would the UKPSF ask sites to not allow ramping if it were safe and benificial to the sport?

Simply because it isnt!
Lets just hope this is sorted by next weekend, because it seems to me that if you chose to use a ramping marker, then YOU are liable for any damage caused, as manafacturers have released news that you shouldnt use em, and organisers arent saying much. Guess it will fall to the guy holding the smokin gun!

Severe bruising beyond the normal (lets say an average number of hits from a days play taken from the last 10 years of ballin history)- gotta be worth a couple of grand :)


doin' other stuffs
Jul 6, 2001
need to get hold of Tank for an exit
Why do people insist on referring to ramping as cheating. It's in the rules, it's allowed, therefore it's not cheating. :rolleyes:

Famine, you appear to know more abot this than me, but I'd assume that the UKPSF has asked rec-sites to not allow ramping, rather than going to the tourney organisers and asking them not to allow ramping. (from the way you word it, I'd say you speak to sites for rec-ball, and organisers for tourney-ball).

A pretty good policy TBH. Rec-sites are where the new blood comes from, and if they get outgunned all day by a ramping gat compared to their tippy 98, they'll never come back. Bad for the long term survival of the sport/game/hobby.

It's like telling drivers in go-kart racing that they can't use that F1 car that they have sat on a trailer out back.

And bunkerkidz - yes, you now can't tell an FA gat from a legal ramping gat, which is kind of the point of the rule. To stop people with silly RoF gats that will ramp/FA to 25bps and seriously hurt someone. Now they're all doing 15, so safer.

Missy - you say that the onus will be on the player to prove that the gat was legal? I don't think so, for the following simple reason. Players (bar the select few) pay one hell of a lot of money to play these events. Are you suggesting that the event would DQ and ban a player without being able to prove that the gun was a cheating gunl? Without everything being absolutely watertight, there's a very slim chance I reckon.


Northern Heroes #03
Sep 3, 2003
Carlisle UK
Originally posted by FAMINE
Still awaiting a response regarding legality and insurance.

Why the hell would the UKPSF ask sites to not allow ramping if it were safe and benificial to the sport?

Simply because it isnt!
Lets just hope this is sorted by next weekend, because it seems to me that if you chose to use a ramping marker, then YOU are liable for any damage caused, as manafacturers have released news that you shouldnt use em, and organisers arent saying much. Guess it will fall to the guy holding the smokin gun!

Severe bruising beyond the normal (lets say an average number of hits from a days play taken from the last 10 years of ballin history)- gotta be worth a couple of grand :)
Severe bruising!!!!!!!

Have u played against ramping guns?

Personnally i like the ramping after 7-8 bps played it in paris an from the whole event none of my team had anymore bruising than from an event without ramping an that was with run throughs an getting mugged.

You will only get severe bruising the same way you always have an thats cos some idiot over shoots you on purpose.


Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
Why do people insist on referring to ramping as cheating. It's in the rules, it's allowed, therefore it's not cheating. :rolleyes:

Famine, you appear to know more abot this than me, but I'd assume that the UKPSF has asked rec-sites to not allow ramping, rather than going to the tourney organisers and asking them not to allow ramping. (from the way you word it, I'd say you speak to sites for rec-ball, and organisers for tourney-ball).

A pretty good policy TBH. Rec-sites are where the new blood comes from, and if they get outgunned all day by a ramping gat compared to their tippy 98, they'll never come back. Bad for the long term survival of the sport/game/hobby.

It's like telling drivers in go-kart racing that they can't use that F1 car that they have sat on a trailer out back.

And bunkerkidz - yes, you now can't tell an FA gat from a legal ramping gat, which is kind of the point of the rule. To stop people with silly RoF gats that will ramp/FA to 25bps and seriously hurt someone. Now they're all doing 15, so safer.

Missy - you say that the onus will be on the player to prove that the gat was legal? I don't think so, for the following simple reason. Players (bar the select few) pay one hell of a lot of money to play these events. Are you suggesting that the event would DQ and ban a player without being able to prove that the gun was a cheating gunl? Without everything being absolutely watertight, there's a very slim chance I reckon.
I'm afraid that i will have to disagree with you on both issues, i think that the reason why UKPSF have asked rec sites not to allow ramping and not the tournament organizers is because of the following:
First, because the tournament organizers wouldn't listen, they have their money to make and god forbid that anything should compromise that...
Second, because rec balling is all about fair fun, and it ain't very fair, or very fun to be stuck with your rental gun against some rich idiot with a ramping gun...

As for the gun cheats...that'd all be great and all if they could actually control the guns, i don't know if you read in my post bu i know someone who played a whole millenium tournament with a 20bps ramping gun, straight up, not hidden or anything, his MROF was simply set to 20 bps, and played the whole tournament like that trouble free...
Now you are trying to convince me that the marshalls (who coulnd't even distinguish a 20 bps ramping gun from the norm) are capable of catching cheater guns with let's say, hidden modes, velocity ramps etc?
That's utter BS because i know for a fact that they can't...i have seen players guns so obvious to be cheating even from the other field and the refs can't catch it...lol
And it just got even harder because in their so called quest to stop cheating guns they have made their job 10 times harder, because before you could tell more less wether there was a cheater gun in the field, simply because of the sound because human shooting isn't rythmic, as where eletronic shooting is...
Now you can't distinguish f*ck all, simply because all guns sound the same...
If the millenium series actually had the means to control players guns before making ramping legal, then it wold actually kind of legitimize their bogus argument of trying to control gun cheats, but the way that they have done it, it just seems to me that they have made their so called "quest" alot harder....

...or then again maybe they just want to sell more paint :eek:

I personally think it's the latter...

And just as a sidenote/rant...i have yet to see any arguments in favor of ramping that aren't something like: "We have to move on with the times!", or "This way i won't have to actually practice to be a good paintball player!"...would anyone care to indulge me?

Peace (semi-auto please)...Gil
Originally posted by Bunkerkidz

And just as a sidenote/rant...i have yet to see any arguments in favor of ramping that aren't something like: "We have to move on with the times!", or "This way i won't have to actually practice to be a good paintball player!"...would anyone care to indulge me?
Heres one:
Having ramping cuts the pre game gun test procedure time by about 80%.

Having ramping reduces the need to set your trigger stupidly short, which makes it much less likely that multiple shots get fired in the safe area.

Cos it encourages ill informed people like yourself to make ridiculous statements on web forums. Reading such comments is quality entertainment for those of us with nothing better to do.


Originally posted by John C
Heres one:
Having ramping cuts the pre game gun test procedure time by about 80%.

Having ramping reduces the need to set your trigger stupidly short, which makes it much less likely that multiple shots get fired in the safe area.

Cos it encourages ill informed people like yourself to make ridiculous statements on web forums. Reading such comments is quality entertainment for those of us with nothing better to do.
whoohoo! i'm sure that people the world over have now opened their arms to ramping on account of those great arguments...:rolleyes:

and i like to see that the absence on facts to defend your theory have lead you to personal insult, way to go ;)

So you are saying that you'd trade player safety and easier ways to detect cheating guns for less time in the chrono station? ...
because that is what you were saying, i'm not misinterpretating you in any way i hope...
I'm sorry but i still think that those aren't exactly "great" arguments to institute ramping...but then again...that's just my humble opinion, which you obviously don't seem to respect very much.

Gil :)

Edit: Oh and since you have nothing to do maybe you could spend some of that free time of yours thinking about some better arguments for ramping...because those weren't very good...just thought i'd let you know ;)
Originally posted by Bunkerkidz
whoohoo! i'm sure that people the world over have now opened their arms to ramping on account of those great arguments...:rolleyes:

and i like to see that the absence on facts to defend your theory have lead you to personal insult, way to go ;)

So you are saying that you'd trade player safety and easier ways to detect cheating guns for less time in the chrono station? ...
because that is what you were saying, i'm not misinterpretating you in any way i hope...
I'm sorry but i still think that those aren't exactly "great" arguments to institute ramping...but then again...that's just my humble opinion, which you obviously don't seem to respect very much.

I thought my point number 2 was all about player safety.

Sorry that I dont respect your opinion, I get the impression you havent played many ramping tournaments.

If im wrong then I apologise, but I started this season at a ramping tournament with an open mind, and after alot of Tournaments and training using both semi and ramping I am convinced ramping is safer and reduces the impact of gun cheats.

Alot of players and refs I know who have experienced of ramping tournaments feel the same.

You seem to have come to the opposite conclusion.

EDIT I am not saying I am happy with the current situation, but I dont see any other option, after all true semi auto went out the window when Mr Drew 'invented' adjustable debounce several years ago...

Another EDIT If my arguments are so bad, I would like to see them shot down in flames (especially point 3 ;) ) by counter arguments. Just saying 'your arguments are bad, think up some more' is hardly a debate.