Originally posted by Magued
actuelly Robbo is having a point here.
Im pretty sure that this change wouldnt have happend if it wasnt for Robbos gentle way to inform us about the issue.
I think we should name the Jailbox to "The Robinson bunker" or something 
and I really hope to see Mr Robbo here in Stockholm this year as he have made it a bad habit to avoid Joy Masters for both years.
Hey Magued, thanks for that and as for massaging my ego by naming some form of holding device after my name ?
Dammit Magued, what an enlightened idea (make sure Niall doesn't take credit for it though)........

As for coming to Stockholm ?
Hmmm, I have been there and the problem was I had a brilliant time as you know, Steve used to take us all to the clubs and since he had been head-doorman (bouncers to you Yanks) at most of them, we were given the special treatment.
Now as you know Mag, I am getting married this year and if I come over, I have got to persuade my other half to go with me otherwise I have to leave behind me, two round objects that I have become quite attached to over the years.
So I am in negotiations with her at present

Looking good though at the moment, so I will probably see you there.
Niall, I didn't realise I was in the process of making any fire for you to piss on, wasn't it you who set the flames a' burning with your initial post ?
Hmmmm, yes it was..........
I wasn't even going to mention accreditation on these boards or anywhere else.
But I will try to put at the back of my mind our initial phone call all those months ago where you were defending its implementation and continuance....but that's another story and one I would prefer to now forget.
But as you rightly say, common sense has finally prevailed and the change was never and could never have been due to one party.
And without doubt, you and Mag played a huge part in the rule's reversal.
All part of the evolution of our beloved paintball, as you so succinctly put it Niall, and with that, I am in 100% agreement with you.
Laters All
PS Niall, how's the lovely other half ? And have you got any of that chloroform left after using it on the first night you met her ?
Hee hee