Another question re air..
OK got my shocker, got my 4500 air system & bottle now looking for a dive tank. I'm finding it difficult to find a 300 bar (4500psi) dive tank and also a dive shop that will fill it locally. However, i know someone selling a 232bar (3000psi) 12 litre dive tank for just £30. Its just coming up to its 3 yr test but it will do me for another 2 without testing, right? Anyway, the question is: is it worth my while buying this tank as obviously i will never be able to fill my 4500 bottle to capacity with it. Will it give me enough effective fills to last a days 'ball? Say 3000-4000shots on my shocker????? Should i buy it as a backup tank to bulk-fill anyway, £30 isnt much after all!