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Boring Air question...(sorry!)


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Arghhhhh For Christ's sake

Originally posted by Tortoise-Licker
He's done it again:(
Thats it I give up.:D
I'm going over to newbie central and seeing if I can help out over there:D :D
Sorry mate, sat here ready to kick the PC trying to sort out why I haven't got e-mail for 4 days since I changed my DNS settings over to a new host.

Have broadband, am bored, will stay on P8nt pages.

Will now off and get a life, read go to bed, long day training tomorrow :(

All yours ;) :D



Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
Visit site
Sound Advice..thanks guys

Wow! i've learnt all about air in one easy session! Thanks for your advice guys. Some more points though.....
Cube, you mentioned the sticker for my car...i shall get one (prob from dive shop/ Halfords?) Does this apply to carrying the dive tank only or everytime i carry my marker with air in the bottle? Does that also apply to Co2? Also you mentioned a TREMCARD...pls enlighten me..never heard of one!
Philip you said not to fill too quickly, so do i just open the cylinder valve a bit instead of full or do i turn it off if it starts getting hot???
Tortiose, i think i shall try to get a secondhand tank. I have connections with PADI dive club in Maidstone so i shall ask around. Should the person selling me the tank give me the current test certificate? Is it illegal to sell a tank without a certificate? Does that also apply to the markers air bottle....ie should the person selling me the marker/bottle also have a current certificate to show when the bottle needs testing again? I will be at Sparklies for the July Acdemy so i shall seek expert hands on tuition there as you suggested. One other thing,Tortoise, you said"If your bottle fails you will end up with two half tanks" can you explain that pls?

Sorry to be a pain guys!
Ding, ding, round two

Sorry to be so late replieing but I'm on earleys this week and had to get up at 5am:(
Most people will not sell a tank if it is out of certificate as they can be held liabel if anything goes wrong. The certificate as such does not actually exist (although it may but I've never seen one, can somebody help out here?). All the tanks I've seen have a little sticker on them that is sealed onto the surface of the tank to avoid tampering. This sticker tells either of the last test date or when it needs retesting and who performed the test. I think that the cert is held buy the company who performed the test as around every bottle neck I've seen there has been an Identification number which i assume can be cross reffered to the certificate in question.
The bit about two half bottles means that if your bottle fails its test there is something majorly wrong with the bottle and in order to stop you from using it when you get it back, the test centre either cut it in half or drill a rather large hole into the bottle.
Both these ways acheive the same affect in not letting you re-use the bottle.(until they can invent duck-tape that can withstand 3000 psi of pressure:D )


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Sound Advice..thanks guys

Originally posted by guppy
Cube, you mentioned the sticker for my car...i shall get one (prob from dive shop/ Halfords?) Does this apply to carrying the dive tank only or everytime i carry my marker with air in the bottle? Does that also apply to Co2? Also you mentioned a TREMCARD...pls enlighten me..never heard of one!

Sorry to be a pain guys!
Hi guppy

You may well find a sticker for the car at a dive shop, don't think you'll get one at Halfords though. Trouble is you buy a sticker and it's stuck on the car all the time and isn't pretty :( especially when stuck onto your nice new Ferrari 360 Modena ;)

As I understand it, every time you carry pressurised cylinders in a vehicle you should display the sign, that's why you see a lot of vans with the stickers attached, I've seen a lot of pub service vehicles carrying the stickers as they carry bottled CO2.

You can get the Non-Flammable compressed gas stickers from any good safety sign company and even better you can get them laminated onto that magnetic backing so you can put them onto the vehicle only when you need to.

I simply set up a template of one in Word and printed it off and stuck it to the "Baby On Board" sign so I can stick it into my rear window. I think that will satisfy my requirements to warn other road users.

Though I have toyed with creating a rear window sticker that says

"If you can read this and I brake and you hit me three 12L Dive cylinders will act as missiles through your car. I don't fancy your chances of survival....back the hell off!!"

always worrys me carrying all that air.

As to Tremcards, they're information sheets that drivers must carry about the substances they're carrying, a bit like an advanced material safety data sheet. As I understand it you don't have to carry one of these for compressed air but hey, it's been a long time since I did those courses and with our pals in Europe around the rules will probably change ;)

and you ain't a pain, happy to help


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
Visit site
Ding, ding, round two

Originally posted by Tortoise-Licker
The bit about two half bottles means that if your bottle fails its test there is something majorly wrong with the bottle and in order to stop you from using it when you get it back, the test centre either cut it in half or drill a rather large hole into the bottle.
Aw that ain't nice! i shall go for a cheepie secondhand tank/tanks so if they cut them in half in a few years time i will have got my moneys worth by then!

PS I bought the magenta vert feed turbo shocker with 1.5l 4500psi air today...she flies! Bloody heavy though..i think i'll have to take one of those body building supplements & work out daily methinks! Or practice left handed more, just to rest my right! Do you think swapping the 1.5 bottle (its a kevlar) for a smaller 1.1 would make a lot of difference to the weight? Or would that be a dumb idea as i'd have to refill more often?


Apr 3, 2002
Maidstone, Kent
Visit site
Re: Sound Advice..thanks guys

Originally posted by Cube
you ain't a pain, happy to help
Gee shucks Mr Cube...TYVM!

I shall get a sticker & put it on my car permanently. Not worried about looks as my car is a jeepy type thingy anyway. I liked your idea for a sticker...why do ass****s do that - drive so close i mean. I was shunted from behind at a red light once just because the d/head behind was too close. Bet he knew all about it when his insurance renewal came in!!:D


Whip it out..
Mar 24, 2002
Ellesmere Port
My bushmaster was a bit light when i got it, so i slapped on a 114ci air system and a warp feed and voila....shocker weight again ;)