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BNP on question time


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
if you want a real leader vote for me :p

anyway altho there not the answer they are the best of a bad bunch they have a set of balls and stand by what they say and want.

britain is being destroyed from the inside. and i am goingt o sound racist but you msut understand where i come from.
firstly i rent out well over 150 home in a small town in scotland. 80% of our houses are rented to oversea people. mostly from Eastern Europe. most of these people do work in local fish factories.

so far not a problem. however when befor we welocmed them and gave them jobs there is now so many we cantget jobs. most cant speek anything aove broken english. when working with dangerous machines etc this is a huge problem. i cant rent a house with sign sin there langue yet they can work in one where not speekings ours is extremley dangerous. people to loose body parts in these jobs.

also benefits. from housing and tax to collage help.
my girlfriend who is from lithuania get £90 quid a week to go to collage and works.i do not agree with this neither does she who also gets education fund from lithuania. altho just a small amout. i have a friend who recently lost his job is now in collage and having to pay for it.

i also had a friend who moved up from england to us. he went to the local hosuing office and claimed to be homeless. he was told if he moved back to england he wouldnt be homeless. his reply was if the polish moved back to poland they wouldnt be homeless either. he was arested taht night for being racist.

a new topic.
you can now go to work dos omething you have been told not to do and get hurt. you can then sue that company for you being a retard.
exapmle 1.
a women in a furniture store fell over a kid and broke her leg. she sued from a 6 figure sum. the kid was hers and had been asked to control them several times by staff.

we cant punish kids, kids these days are wild there gone to keep getting worse untill we and others can displine them.

i could go on and on to why this countries needs a party with ball but will stop here


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2009
Not having a go, just sayin... Looks like you typed it very fast and a lot of letters have moved in with other words lol. Its beside the point and off topic anyway.


SPS - First 9
Mar 27, 2009
East London
i guess your aiming at my spelling?
cant help it

It can be helped.......just like speaking broken English can be helped.

I am at a loss as to how you can denigrate a group of people who have learned a language that is not their own (even if it is far from perfect) when your own command of that language (from what you have demonstrated on here) is farcical.

The BNP may be talking a good game on a 'small' number of issues that piss people off right now but do you really think these clowns have the political footing to run a country once you move away from these issues and get onto the bigger picture of directing a nation.

Just remember that Hitler at some point seemed reasonable too!

It's not about the policies they have and the issues they wish to tackle that is the root problem with this party.........the problem is their motivation for placing focus on these issues.

That motivation is ignorance, bigotry, a lack of knowledge and understanding and an attempt to win public favour under the guise of real politics!


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
it was typed fast out of anger. and no my spelling is no broken english my spelling is due to an illness. i can speek perfect lithuanian. and i learned it in only 1 month. and its not easy.

however my points that am getting to with what i said was altho the party is extreme and more than likly to lead britain into a 100 wars i personaly would give them my vote just because

1. there honest
2. they tell it how it is
3. we as a nation need it

altho i would prefair another party less extrem to do this. however our choices are either parties that base there policys on the people funding them or ones that are full of crap.

o and the SNP which would have a civil war within 2 years

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
it was typed fast out of anger. and no my spelling is no broken english my spelling is due to an illness. i can speek perfect lithuanian. and i learned it in only 1 month. and its not easy.

however my points that am getting to with what i said was altho the party is extreme and more than likly to lead britain into a 100 wars i personaly would give them my vote just because

1. there honest
2. they tell it how it is
3. we as a nation need it

altho i would prefair another party less extrem to do this. however our choices are either parties that base there policys on the people funding them or ones that are full of crap.

o and the SNP which would have a civil war within 2 years
I take it you are still angry then...:rolleyes: And please don't play that dyslexic crap, it's been done to death on these forums.

I'm staying the hell out of the political content of this thread, as I can only see it leading to me murdering a few people verbally and potentially physically...


Wreckballer - PMGWC#2
Nov 13, 2008
that special place.
1. there honest
No they're not. If you'd watched the Question Time, you'd notice that Nick Griffin had not only changed his tune in the face of the public, but also started to deny even saying half the crap that spouts from his mouth, even when they called upon video evidence and direct quotes.
Far from honest.

2. they tell it how it is
Really? I was under the impression that they were quite happy with manipulating truths and outrageous lying.

"There is nothing 'super' about super-schools which, experience has shown, is riddled with tension between pupils from an islamic background and everyone else."
"Children for whom english is a second language should be taught seperately so that they don't hold back the rest."

Telling it how it is? Really? Any evidence? Whose experience, theirs?

3. we as a nation need it
No, we don't. I, personally, don't think Britain needs anybody who preaches condemnation and blatent inequality. I think it's the opposite of what we, as a nation, need.

If you are going to vote, which I have no doubt you will, please don't base who you vote for on the criteria you mentioned above. No party will be honest and nobody will tell it like it is. Nick Griffin is incapable of leading a country, and there would be riots in the streets the day the BNP are voted in.


Platinum Member
Jun 5, 2009
i didnt watch it no. i cant coment on your first section as i didnt watch it.

however the super school part i agree with. in my local collage an entire class failed the course due to 2 students not being able to keep up.

they have almost solved this problem by requesting pupils to do a english exam first. however there is protesting and claims of racial hatred at this.

my 3 point i didnt mean it to sound like we need this party exactly more like one with the balls etc to say screw you protesters go get a job and let the hard working people have a say for a change