Than You
Great to see all these positive posts.
Again we learnt a few more things so we can improve again next year.
It is difficult - NO impossible - to explain the atmosphere at the site on the Saturday night, there was so much going on from fire breathing, talent show, disco, video (50+ player sat around a 12" portable TV amazing) the BBQ and drinking. Brilliant
Then from a person who never left the safe area - what an atmosphere on the Sunday it was electric in the main base camp.
With 200+ player you would have expected an incident or two - NOT ONE was reported to me, players were honest and played to the rules (well nearly all did) One of the best comments of the day came from a "Kenny" who spent 30 minutes trying to get shot so he could create another Kenny, even when he walked in the middle of a fire fight he could not get shot, the teams stopped firing and ran away.
A few thank you
Steve and John from Paintball Park and the marshal who helped us on Saturday. Michael the Chef and his helpers (Excellent BBQ)
H-Pac Air crew (first class fills)
Planet Eclipse for sponsoring the talent show
Paintball Direct for prizes
Undercover for prizes
Dyehard and 6E marshals
Sixth Element for prizes and the golden kenny
Rochdale Trophy Centre
Bettaprint (If you want event shirts then this is the Co... excellent prices)
The Characters from South Park, the Generals and team leaders.
The 200+ players who made it an excellent event
and finally
Gillie and Andy Hatton (Thank you again and again from ALL those who played or attended the South Park Weekend)
Looking forward to 2003. Possibly two events