Thanks for a great weekend, Lots of fun was had by all, but remind me next time not to mix the booze in the night trying to climb them hills with a fuzzy head was not fun only to find when you get to the top. That the Minions were in play and at the top of the hill.
I must apologise to whoever played Terence and Philip for laying behind a bunker and bouncing balls of your heads during the CSO show. [Where were the canadians at this time anyhow??].
As for now I am turning over a new leaf as ripping the p!ss out of ballers on the forums , just ends me up in trouble.
And I sense a lot ballers at home planning the latest super weapon after seeing them nasty onion launcers in action.
Oh and being On that bridge with the minions near the end of the day rocked until I ran out of paint [Anybody knows a company that makes a 20 pot belt as I think I may need one]
Thanks to every one who said 'ello to me as it is good to put a face to a name unfortunatly it seemed that every body else was on the other side to me. Next time i'm going as a Canadian so I don't have to climb that damn hill.