So, is it official, did the south win? If it is, at 6-1 to the north, you’ve still got some catching up to do, you southern shandy drinking puffs.
What an awesome event, and I hope the guys at Warped can get to use this MOD site again next year. The trade stands I thought were a bit weak, and repetitive from stall to stall. And as for the Dye/Proto stall did they have anything for sale? Only saw a few markers on show and that was it.
It was great to put faces to usernames and just have a laugh. Roll on next year.
Yeah the south won dean, it's the recession you see, we can't afford shandy anymore, we gotta drink home brew with bits of twig and dead birds in it like you northerners.
All in all a great weekend, really well organised, massive congratulations and thanks to Warped and all the marshalls and game staff for all their hard graft.
I thought overall the game was played in a great spirit by both sides ( despite the HUGE bruise on my arse i recieved whilst trying to leave a bush with my arms high in the air, pics on request.
Site was huge, but fortunately most of the play was in the northern side of the field
Thoughts and best wishes go to the poor ******* who broke his leg, hope you heal soon buddy.
Again, great game eveyone.