Best gat is a well tuned Matrix with anti-chop, a WAS-equiped Timmy, or an eBlade with very light moving parts , qevs, and a good ram. I am assured that Raceframes are just as good, but I don't have much experience with them. I understand they need a PDA or computer to tune electronic parameters, so I am dubious. I like to be able to fix stuff quickly and easily, at the field. I like it better if I don't have to.
Vikings are tough, very efficient, and fast, but If you don't feel any kick, you must be out of your mind. They have a steady and constant force that pushes the gun up and back. Maybe you are used to it. Also, though reliable, they require proprietary tools to work on them. The electronics require a PDA or computer. If it breaks at the field, you are out of luck unless there happens to be an AKA tech there.
Angels are decent, but the anti-chop they employ is not as durable or effective as the system everyone else uses. WDP needs to ditch the whole COPS/ pressure sensor thing and use an eye of some kind.
If yopu take a quick look at what pros use, it is instructive. I am not saying that using so-and-such will make you into Chris Lasoya, I am saying that pro teams will not tolerate inferior equipment.
I am answering this question in terms of what the best competition guns are, not what the best pump, entry level, or war-fantasy paintball guns are.
No animals were harmed in making this post.