Bob aftermath
TEAM GBH Worked hard to get the site ready with spc but it was well worth all that work in crap weather as on the day the game was great i had a bad day with markers down but all was well in the end.
American side also had know idea what we were doing mate and we helped organise the day lol in the morning for objectives the GERMANS scored 0 LOL Americans scored 0 so dont worry Germans we were also bad.But in second halve the day we had all flags twice thats how we won kills were about even.
Tank was cool idea made the game realistic and those pyros were loud ears still ringing.
German player of the day was Greg from the hawks he held 30 plus players for 10 mins on our left side blinding play Greg.
Allies side player of the day was big daddy kent top play from him as usual lol
Many thanks for those that came and see you at next game cheers.
I can confirm; Greg was awesome, shouting at everyone cowering in our "safe zone" and rallying us with some barked orders and clear objectives.
Who's daft idea was it though to send the Germans two miles through the Crocodile infested swamps to re-spawn, then have the Americans walk past our fortifications in the village counting our heads and telling us who was going to die first before re-spawning right in front of us.
At one point, I was pinned down in the hut nearest to the American entrance with a guy whose marker was misfiring, we had a pot of paint between us and we could see Yanks pouring into the forest in front of us on mass.

Good day all in all, but the silly prices put me off. We had to stay up in Surrey Sat night cause of the 400 mile round trip and didn't appreciate the £3 burgers and £1.50 soft drinks. That's for punter days not Big Games.
Good first effort guy's but take a tip out of Camouflage Bournemouth's book, their Scenario is costing £25 and includes lunch and any kit you need including markers!
A good time was had though but the whole weekend including diesel was just too much for us to come again next year.
Good Marshalling top marks to them!