Just got back from this and what an awesome day, for there first ever big game down this site it went well and with more attendance then expected.
Although the day started off late i believe this was due to 200 plus players and they expected only 175, plus HPAC arrived late due to breaking down 70 miles away and had to be bought down on a tow truck, they have there own air compressor on site that could of handled the day ok so was not much of a worry.
The first time i have seen proffesional pyro's done by film company ever on a paintball site just made the day more enjoyable and had me jumping out of my skin every time you heard the explosion's, and the tank was the nuts.
There could be improvements made on the day better organization but expected for there first time, but overall for there first big event SPC did well and cant wait untill the summer game
I hope you lot do woodland tournaments soon as the fields are great and im getting bored of supair to much of a paint fest now days and most of the skill has gone out of the game.