TROG... yeah that was great fun.. but this year were gonna try something less hazardous... fire juggling! I say less hazardous cos i discovered recently that the label on the paraffin bottle that says 'poisonous 'is true.. it causes cancer so me & DB have given up swallowing the foul stuff We're experimenting with absinthe and sambuca but its doesn't give a good flame, tho it has the benefit of getting you pissed! Fire juggling is cool tho.. i'm crap at it, but its a giggle after a few drinkypoos. (Gloves and firey balls supplied!) and we can always do the fire limbo and fire skipping again... see how many drunken ballers we can get skipping a firey rope at the same time? (Fire extinguisher supplied!)

No PVC or whips this year tho.. I've (To quote TL) 'been warned' !!