guys, best thing to do is give Gillie a call...
Obviously not everyone can be given a specific role directly related to the running and scoring of the game, but that's not to say 20 people can't turn up dressed as Wookies and play for the Rebels...I'm pretty sure Chewie was not the last of his race (or maybe he was - I dunno)
I know there's a load of people who want to be good ol' run-o-the-mill stormtroopers (there's power in numbers
) and one group who are planning their X-wing pilot costumes already. We really want to give out prizes for some good costumes this year. After all it's half the fun. Of course if you're 6"2", you might make a bizarre looking R2-D2...but we're pretty liberal minded...I even heard talk of someone "building" a costume that looked like an AT-AT walker (maybe got the name wrong there - I'm sure someone with a degree in Starwarsology will correct if I'm wrong
At one scenario game we went to in the States a huge bunch of guys turned up dressed as as US postal workers, which I assumed was a skit on the Kevin Costner, post-apocalyptic Postman thing, but they weren't anything specific to the game, just a group who decided to get into the spirit of the thing by dressing up for the day...
(As it turned out they were all in fact US postmen so I'm not exactly sure what the implications of that were...but what the hell...they were all as mad as a fish anyway...nice guys tho)
But if you have a specific idea, give Gillie a bell. I know she's finalising changes to the plot this week.
Oh while I think, extra marshals are also welcome. The boys and girls who did it last year sweltered in the heat all day with no one to give them a break. It'd be really nice if a few extra bodies volunteered to help out marshalling a flag station for a couple of hours. For those unfamiliar with this kind of event, the marshals are really only there to keep an eye on safety, check scores and point lost players back in the direction of the safe area or battle depending on which way they are headed. The players pretty much run themselves at these kind of events so it's not like you need a marshal training course. If we catch players cheating then we penalise the team in the scoring...heavily...but to be honest at both South Park games it as never an issue (except possibly where people thought Mikey was playing on until they realised he was in fact Saddam and could only be taken out with a V-chip...then the mad scramble started to find V-cips
Obviously not everyone can be given a specific role directly related to the running and scoring of the game, but that's not to say 20 people can't turn up dressed as Wookies and play for the Rebels...I'm pretty sure Chewie was not the last of his race (or maybe he was - I dunno)
I know there's a load of people who want to be good ol' run-o-the-mill stormtroopers (there's power in numbers
At one scenario game we went to in the States a huge bunch of guys turned up dressed as as US postal workers, which I assumed was a skit on the Kevin Costner, post-apocalyptic Postman thing, but they weren't anything specific to the game, just a group who decided to get into the spirit of the thing by dressing up for the day...
(As it turned out they were all in fact US postmen so I'm not exactly sure what the implications of that were...but what the hell...they were all as mad as a fish anyway...nice guys tho)
But if you have a specific idea, give Gillie a bell. I know she's finalising changes to the plot this week.
Oh while I think, extra marshals are also welcome. The boys and girls who did it last year sweltered in the heat all day with no one to give them a break. It'd be really nice if a few extra bodies volunteered to help out marshalling a flag station for a couple of hours. For those unfamiliar with this kind of event, the marshals are really only there to keep an eye on safety, check scores and point lost players back in the direction of the safe area or battle depending on which way they are headed. The players pretty much run themselves at these kind of events so it's not like you need a marshal training course. If we catch players cheating then we penalise the team in the scoring...heavily...but to be honest at both South Park games it as never an issue (except possibly where people thought Mikey was playing on until they realised he was in fact Saddam and could only be taken out with a V-chip...then the mad scramble started to find V-cips