"We was playing with the bigger boys so we have super duper 15bps guns at our "pro" walk on"
Jesus this thread just continues doesn't it.
Firstly Yaris obviously your friend is a retard, can't use a computer well tough titties then, if he aint man enough to get some schooling and learn then you shouldn't hold his hand and do the posting for him. Just call him a 'tard and put him back is his cage, too much day light and the 'tards start getting confused.
Both of you get over it, oh someone got a bit of bonus balling and a team cheated or something (I have much better things to do than verse myself in the whole thread) well welcome to the real world it will happen time and time again so stop being a mummy's boy and move on or take up knitting.
I was hoping for something enthralling here but instead its two 14 year old kids arguing. Im getting even more disapointed in the youth of today
2nd that