Lol tiffer what u on about mate, i only shout if u drill someone when they walking out of field which this guy was not and he only got 2 shots, but as u know playing sup air means u got to expect more shots.
Also tiffer not got a clue what u on about mate,only ever played once at Wycombe and did not have a problem at all.
Tiffer if u got a problem with me mate say to my face on the day don't wait like 4 months to have your say...
What is with people who don't leave the game on the field, play have fun and go home.
I can't understand why you rose to the bait from YT.
Wycombe house field nearing the end of the game,you moved forward into my brothers line of fire,the whistle went,you started firing and he lit you up,he was in the right position at the right time and only fired because you started firing,he stopped after he hit you a copuple of times and you weren't happy.
I'm just comparing what YT said in comparisson to what occoured at Wycombe,you can't remember but you made a big deal @ the time,we had a good day all in all and as for leaving it for 4 months...there was no reason to raise it until now but as I said only for comparisson.
People have different perceptions of what happens @ the best of times and I'm happy to always leave it on the field.
It's obvious he's talking about you and made all the more clearer when you logged on as a different user,now you must admit that was silly because up until then no-one had any idea it was you...
M8 I haven't got a problem with you and I certainly wouldn't be shy about raising it on the day,you know me better than that..

See you soon..