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Are we just a bunch of saps or do we have any power?


Active Member
Dec 14, 2010
basktm ,what you forget mate is that it is the rental guys that are subsidising the days play of the average walkon players day:)
everybody always forgets about the sites overheads:eek:
things like wages average marshalls wage £50 per day
site rental as most don,t own land average £1000 per month
laundry average £1 per suit etc etc etc:(
all adds up the list is endless so think about it,it,s not all cash in the bank
Agreed on that mate, i dont think they are ripping people off, i think they do what they need to do to stay in business, i/you would do the same.

I just think you have 2 choices, when i was in business (all be it, motorcycle instruction/training) i took a choice, i could of done 5 customers a week at £200 each or 10 at £100 each, all though it meant my profit margin was smaller due to more over heads (fuel/wear and tear) but mainly it was my time the suffered, but i made this decision.

Now why would a business do that, you ask :confused:

Simple, i choose to do this as in essence, i was getting across to twice as many clients, hence twice as many people got to hear about me and come back, if i have 10 clients and each 1 of them tells 10 friends and i get 25% of them friends come back to me.

Know i know this is irrelevant to paintball, but i just wanted to suggest, the basic outline is the same, more customers, more friends, more return business = more money in the industry

this goes for the rest of the 'sport as well, if we had 1000 players each week/month playing, the industry could afford to put the price of paint and such up a small amount, say £10 a box and make the money the 'sport' needs to help finance the other stuff.

i just feel that having 50 people pay £100 per box is not helping the sport, but having 150 paying £33 a box is a better long term plan, going by the friends talk and join friends thing.

just my strange outlook on things. :eek:

just read that through and before any one has a go, i dont just mean paint, i used that as an example, but the idea as a whole through out. :D


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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this goes for the rest of the 'sport as well, if we had 1000 players each week/month playing, the industry could afford to put the price of paint and such up a small amount, say £10 a box and make the money the 'sport' needs to help finance the other stuff.

i just feel that having 50 people pay £100 per box is not helping the sport, but having 150 paying £33 a box is a better long term plan, going by the friends talk and join friends thing.

just my strange outlook on things. :eek:

just read that through and before any one has a go, i dont just mean paint, i used that as an example, but the idea as a whole through out. :D
It's a good job you got that ninja edit in! ;) The infrastructure (fixed costs) required to support 150 players Vs 50 players is never going to be the same, unless you assume all sites operate under capacity? Scale can generate both economies and diseconomies.
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300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
You can say sites making money out of punters isnt selfish but if they could get paint at lets say £10 a case, how many of these sites would pass on the saving?
Not many would be the answer, and ripping off the punter is where a large part of the problem with getting people into the sport lies.
The regular baller is already hooked and playing regular but these are what you want from the punter that just visits for the day isnt it? you want them to come back but if they get ripped off, why should they ?
Its all well and good giving the regular paintballer a discount but that amounts to nothing when what you really need is regular fresh blood.
Passing onthe saving would not be good business, and they can't pay 10quid per case. A healthier option would be for the field to pay market price for paintballs, and for everyone else to pay market price for paintballs and paintball equipment. That would build a better industry.


Factory Paintball
Dec 7, 2003
o.k. The site's are taking a beating and some deservedly so, However, this is a bit like saying "Hey I'm an alcoholic so all you pubs should lower your prices!"
If the site is giving value for money and people are enjoying their experience playing, then that's gotta be the best possible outcome.. I believe all sites should promote all levels of paintball and thats why we have the tournie dvd's running in our waiting room so we can show the dizzying heights of the game and help point people in the right direction.

Last year we put a total of 12 teams together to play tournie ball and do you know how many sustained it... 1.. 1 out of twelve could viably play all legs of the cpps.. most of the players do still play but they jumped on other teams, so we achieved our goal of getting more players involved yet we didn't manage to get new teams..

Cash Prizes for the top teams and incentives like jersey's, boxes of paint etc for the lower teams, any incentive, free entry to campaign for most promising team.. Man, anything!!! Give the guy's a reason to play!!! Bragging rights is good but after a while it get's dis-heartening...

We need a league that rewards it's talent, we need a game that promotes and assists new teams, we need new blood to stay together as a team... "Simply the best" tournies used to do this and they aint around no more so maybe it wasn't viable?

First things first though..We need a governing body to put pressure on any dangerous site's, and address the non-value sites. We need to stop these booking agencies hiking the prices. We need to get more people playing, then recognition for our players as a sport, man the first time I saw our name in pgi was a great achievement and now nothing!?! You can take up darts and win money!!! If a rallying of the players is what is needed then let's take our head out our asses and join!!! There are great site's out there and great tournaments, great teams and great players, yet we constantly seem to be falling short of our potential?!!?
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Ronnie, you came from our background of tournaments mate, I just wish other site owners had your foresight and commitment.
We do need a governing body yes but if you think about it mate, we already have them, the UKPSF, the Fed and now we have the EPBF taking form .... what we need more are the players to respond mate ... it's been that all along ...


Factory Paintball
Dec 7, 2003
I think maybe there is a cautious response from players, many times in the past few years there has been a promise of many things from "Bestest tournie ever to we're gonna be on t.v." and unfortunately these promoters have never delivered, I think a governing body with a criteria of what it's setting out to do, with no smoke and mirrors, freedom to be openly viewed and even accounted for would get a much better response! Too many times have the decisions for the players been taken into back rooms, behind closed doors and with no player representation occurred. There are only a few people actually fighting for the players and too many making decisions for what fills their pockets, for many of the players to believe it's actually about them. Sorry but it's a bit suspect when the major profiters of this game are making the rules.. I know personally Pete that you don't profit from anyway for the work you do.. Can you name one more? It's all politics, but paintball for too long has been ruined by the wrong type and maybe it's time we got serious and let someone lead the way, for that to happen though that person or persons would need to deliver or it'd be even more damming and we'd all take up airsoft!!!

These people don't need to be saints, take your Budddy the french guy, he made money, but he also put on a hell of a show:D
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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
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ronnie the series that bully run was viable and he had it right by offering entry in to a millenium event for first place then 50% of cost for 2nd etc etc:)
then came along wendy offering stupid discounts to teams
so you know where they all went
mmmmmmmmm seem like somebody is getting abit of their own medicine
but also teams need to learn to play with say a hopper and a pot
go back to limited paint tournies then charge £40 a box ,event only paint unless they are tournie sponsers like Rich does

ronnie i can name one BULLY but totally agree with a lot of what you say
unless we have a strong governing body that makes the rules that everybody has to abide by then promoters will do what they want
missy think he,s on about the toulose events