Now this is better and more on topic, personally going off what the charges are i would say welcome to the real world with real everyday people. The country has been run by people who think they know better and think everything is all fine and dandy. Maybe a party made up of everyday common folk is the change we need.
The first case (bare in mind i have no idea what actually happened but can only speak from what i have can see on your post), people bottle glass stab hurt people every single day, its wrong but we are human with emotion. We as humans are naturally competitive and naturally violent its what has made us the top of the food chain in this cycle of earths life. To try and change the nature of the beast is in my mind wrong, evolve yes, change no. Football hooliganism personally i have no problem with it, i know a few, really nice guys for the most part but just like a good tare up in the street, personally i think this could be moreproductive if they got in a ring and fought it out with rules, everyone has a aggressive side to them, my opinion is if they are not hurting anyone other then their competitors then let them get on with it.
Second, so the guy tried to fiddle the benefit system, welcome again to the real world where millions or billions of £'s are fraudulently claimed, look at labour my best bet is they have claimed illegally as being proven right now 1000+x what that guy did, just in his case he was caught and had to give something back by the way of community service, there are loads of people in the real world that wouldnt have done that and would have not received a penalty as harsh (most get a telling off maybe a sanction and have to pay back a small amount at the most). As for combat 18 well it could be argued that this group was set up by our government (MI5 or whatever) to catch the extreme elements within the original national front, these people were employed as security to some part, so racist extremists from other places could not phsically attack a mp, no different to the body guards and ontorage that other mps have. The only difference with them is they chose to use the number 18 (for anyone that didnt know 1 being A and 8 being H for A Hitler), these people did not so much care who they bashed they just once again liked a good tare up.
Third, well we come to the issue of race once again and this argument will never be won regardless how its worded, i think the quote he said was bang on to be fair, everyone has a right to question and respond however they feel without as said before being branded racist. So lets look at it this way, is the guy automatically racist because he does not agree with the mainstream norm. Bare in mind not so long ago a group protected by our police whilst they changed racist and horrible remarks to our young men who serve this country risking everything so they have a right to a mosque and a right to healthcare. These people were not deamed racist these people were expressing their opinions and not charged with anything. So maybe ask yourself who indead these bias ways of thinking help? They dont help anyone. Because you may think differently to someone else doesnt mean you should target them or their way of thinking because everyone has the right to exist and think how they like.
I did like your post tho as it was about on topic![]()
...so wait, your attempting to justify or excuse their behaviour!?
Do you really believe that any of that listed is acceptable?