Yeah, none of the fools on PBN liked the new look either. Figures. Everybody loved the G7, 06 Speed and Ga+ when they came out, and I hated them. Now this comes out and I love it, and everybody else hates it. I just don't get you people though. All I've heard for the last 3 years is that *insert any gun (DM4/5/6/C, Ego, Timmy, Shocker, et al) here* is smaller, lighter, and faster than the Angel. So WDP releases an Angel smaller and lighter than any other gun on the market, complete with a 4 piece barrel kit, full tool kit, ASA out of the box, clamping feedneck, modular break-beams (covering every other complaint launched against WDP over the same period of time), and you gotta piss on that too? I mean, I know it's not nearly as exciting as Planet stripping some parts off the Ego and selling it with a cool, new name, but hey, it's something.