I see what BOX is getting at, I think a lot of you are focusing his mention about paint prices, grade, etc.
I might be wrong, and sorry if I am, but I believe he is simply attempting to find out what the appeal would be to bring some aspects of tournament ball into the woodlands, and hold monthly woodland tournaments?
Use the paint we use at tournament ball, use the same gear, bring down the same trade stands, etc, etc.
If this is the case BOX, a large problem you'll find is a lot of the people on here are tournament ballers, and prefer supair to woodland.
Suns is kind of on the right track, we have gone a little off topic focusing on paint price and quality. All the points about paint are valid though but it was not my main reason for this post to argue these points or to suggest that there is any miss practice by anyone so far. I am just trying to pre-empt the possibility.
Down South the woodsball scene seems to be on the up and a lot of walkons are now wanting to step things up a bit but don’t want to move to Supair, i have even spoken to some of the guys i know from way back when woodland tornies were the only kind of Pro paintball you could play, and even they are excited by seeing the return to Woodland Tornies.
Currently if you play walkons and want more of a challenge or want to play on a full on team, the only option is to come out of the woods and play Supair. Now whilst Supair has its place i aslo feel that a Woodsball tourney scene also has a place and seeing the come back of thiis side of paintball can only be a good thing for all, players, teams, site owners, kit manufactures and paint suppliers all stand to gain, and perhaps in the very long run it might even improve the 'Pro' scene in the UK. There was a time when UK teams dominated to Pro circuit world wide, now why is it that we can no longer do that? Could it be that some of the skills learnt in the woods could help with bringing up the level of Supair play. Well i think so.
So my appeal is more about those running these kinds of events to try to encourage this growth and not see it as just another profit opportunity just yet.
We can do this by bringing some of the levels of professionalism we see in Supair events to these woodland events, hence my comment on paint and paint prices.
Zimmer Zoomer, £90 + a box at tourneys was when we all used pumps and if you shot 2000 in a day you were a loony!!
Dark Warrior, all your points are taken, though as a player I have no control over how a site stores it paint. If they run a tourney I expect them to do everything they can to make sure the paint is good.
I have shot a fair bit of paint over 22yrs of playing… we did try everything on the day.
