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AKA Excalibur


Checkout the pussy
Sep 23, 2004
Sunny Brum
I know mate, thats the one that made me want one:D
Don't think he's up for a trade, he's moving house so i think he's more for selling it.




Retired tattooed lout!
AKA good..... Angels Bad! sorry Si;)

Anyhows on my hunt to try and make some kind of AKA owners group for the UK i know there are somethink like 20 AKA markers in the UK and ive found 2 Excaliburs - 1 being the sweet-heart i mow fools with myself and P.nuts - although i know P.nut is quiet fond of it - i know its not not his main marker so it might be worth plelting that gear you got on Classifieds and try and get what you can and then make P.Nut an offer -

Oh and just an Update - the Excalibur on threads is gonna be pulled off:)


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Scars
AKA good..... Angels Bad! sorry Si;)

Anyhows on my hunt to try and make some kind of AKA owners group for the UK i know there are somethink like 20 AKA markers in the UK
Lemmie think, Vikings/Ecals I know of;

1 03 Diamond Dust un-milled Viking
1 03 PBX Milled Black Viking
1 03 Diamond Dust Half milled Viking
2 03 Black unmilled Excaliburs
3 03 unmilled black Vikings
1 03 Saphire Blue Unmilled Viking
1 03 Red to Black half milled Viking
1 03 Red to Yellow un-milled Viking
1 03 Yellow to Black un-milled Viking
1 03 Featherlite Black Viking
1 04 Orange to Brown Highlander Viking
6 04 Black unmilled Vikings

Think that's all the ones I've been responsible for.


Retired tattooed lout!
Well from what i can see is your responsible for 95% of AKA Markers in UK

Ive Counted yours but theres a black gloss unmilled 03 and a half milled 03 black dust viking aswell bought and imported from Dan Voils on Pbnation.

Damn im walking in AKA Nerd terretory - dont worry ill make my own way to the door and order myself half a bitter shandy at Bar pbnation:)


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Scars

Just outta interest do you still shoot a Viking?

Also what did you do with that browny Highlander?
Nope, Ego!
I used a Timmy last year and really fell for the lightness, I did miss the feel of the AKA guns though, now I have both. Lightness and quality feel:)

Plus tech support is a pain in the ass, never had problems with any of my guns but did have to deal with a couple, AKA not the easiest people to deal with :mad:

Highlander was sold to Mart on these boards, think he sold it on....

Mikey D

I suck
Sep 14, 2002
the highlander is in the hands of a highlander ;)
one of the clan has it however his username has slipped my mind.

and its a bit obvious what collier shoots isnt it? Ego!!!

Oh and Ian, not all angels are do bad. I detested them until they got eyes as standard. Now its a hard choice which to shoot, viking or angel?!?!?!?


Retired tattooed lout!
you know ive even admitted liking the newer ones and i had an LCD about 2 years back and if served its purpose - Ir3, spaceframe and gay screens that seriously put me off them, had nothing but trouble with both my ir3's so gave up on them completely.