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Air Training should it be a prerequisite before you are allowed to self fill.

Question, Should everyone who wants to use HPA do a basic free safety course

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Old Baller, getting older
Jun 14, 2007
Northern England
In my humble opinion it should be compulsory, perhaps a sticker to go on the UKPSF card would be appropriate?

Having worked with HPPA now for 13 years I have had to clean up a few incidents. Even with appropriate training accidents will happen. The only difference is there will be less accidents.

Perhaps training should initially be for every UKPSF Site + a few of their staff and for them to then be approved to train the people that attend their site.

It is called Train the trainer, it is an approved scheme used by various big companies to rapidly educate people. It works ladies and gentlemen and I for one am more than happy to attend either train the trainer or to attend any HPPA course. Trust me it is always worth learning from an expert. Negligence is not an excuse!!!

Russell Smith

The Paintball Association
In my personal opinion, and i know many/most will not agree, but i think this is just a knee jerk reaction to an isolated incident, everyone has been filling without problems for years, and suddenly something happens and everyone goes mental, as long as people know the simple safety rules for filling i feel attending a course is not necessary. Just have someone at filling stations making sure its all done safely.
Isolated! are you sure?

I have seen two incidents in the UK at events I have attended.
On the first one someone had tried to convert the gun they used to run on HPA, it blew up while they was trying to fill it on H-Pac's fill rig.

The second one the fill nipple threads was a bit worn so they just put some PTFE tape on the threads and a short while after it was filled it shot out like a bullet and buried itself four inch's into hard ground - a few inch's from my foot.

Knee jerk!

Maybe it is but that does not make any of it wrong.

And why do you think it is sensible for someone to be paid to fill everyones bottle, beside the fact one person would not be able to do it for everyone so it would have to be at least two.
That would increase air costs greatly- and that cost is passed directly on to the players.
And would you want the job of filling hundreds of bottles a day when you do not know any of the history, I'm sure I wouldn't want to.



off season boring.
Aug 1, 2005
I agree that a basic air safety should be manditory for all...on the proviso that it is;

A, Not used as a profitmaking endvour.

B, It is accesable to all locally...ish. eg not having to travel from say aberdeen to london to do it.

C, is itself accredited.

Most dive shops do a course in bottle maintanance whith dive cylinders, Paintball tanks being made of roughly similar components...could the course be adjusted..properly!! rather than adhoc and taught at a local dive shop?


Doing my own thing!
Sep 8, 2007
Haverhill, Suffolk
I agree and disagree so i don't wanna be slated for this.
I think if there is to be any sort of training i think it should be about what could go wrong like if you try to convert your gun to run on HPA or the danger of oil.
But in all fairness how hard really is it?
If the person before you left a trace of oil on something no matter how well trained you are it could still happen to you.
I think there should be some sort of guide near the filling station or/and warnings.



training yes.

basic - as much as is needed for safely filling and maintaining a bottle.

free -YES. this would have to be a condition or we'd have X insisting that you would have to pay for their course and wouldn't accept a course from Y. nonprofit and transferrable/universal.


"Acta Non Verba" - London Fearless Massive
Apr 19, 2005
Brentwood, Essex
If insurance is implemented, there may be conditions that need to be adhered to i.e. a safety talk before a tourney starts. I know that some people will feel it's teaching them to suck eggs, but a quick outline of the do's and don'ts at the start will remind everyone, and keep personal responsibility at the forefront of everybody's minds.


May 30, 2006
****ehole West Yorkshire
You make it sound like you will have to take a day off work and go into a classroom somewhere for this training.

It's a 20-30 mins sit down at the start of an event to make you aware of the safety issues with HPA.
ah in that case i agree, as long as you get a card or something to say you have done it so you dont have to sit there every event
And why do you think it is sensible for someone to be paid to fill everyones bottle, beside the fact one person would not be able to do it for everyone so it would have to be at least two.
That would increase air costs greatly- and that cost is passed directly on to the players.
And would you want the job of filling hundreds of bottles a day when you do not know any of the history, I'm sure I wouldn't want to.

I never said anything about them filling it for you, just oversee whats going on to make sure everyone is doing it safely, they are already at the event so why not.


YPC issue passes that are valid for a year so once you have done the saftey course you are fine for a year.

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
This is a no brainer
We should not even be polling for opinions - it is the right thing to do
People who are properly trained should teach basic Air Training to all "Own Gunners"
The question is who is going to do all the training and who decides the content of the course. We have air specialists out there that need to get together and come to some mutual agreement and get on with the training. All you big wigs have to do is make it compulsory that have UKPSF membership and have completed an air training and we as players will just do what is necessary. It is a reasonable request and players will not have a problem with it.

That little bit of free knowledge you gain could mean you are not the next one to visit the hospital or the first one to visit the morgue


UK Redskins
May 6, 2004
Essex, UK
sign me up, I am a health and safety person at my work place and although some of the stuff is really silly and complete common sense, IT HAS TOO BE DONE.

I have no problem with either being told what to do or even just giving my gun to an official to do it on my behalf.
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