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Air System


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001

Well i know one thing, its never bloody simple!!!

I have spoke to PMI in America asking if they have ever produced, HSE Standard bottles (to see if they would be willing to swap) and there reply was quite abrut!!

"Sorry we do not make or sell this product"

Thanks Mike from PMI.........

If this is the case though, and Bristish Citizens cant use DOT bottles then i think advertising the fact in International Magazines would be a good idea, i saw the advert for my system in Facefull (which is international) and i have spent the last 4 months reading nearly every article on most websites / magazines and havent once come accross warnings about the diffrences between DOT and HSE.

Its easy to explain the differences between them when someone questions, but without questioning most novice players wouldnt have a clue!!!! (and therefore waste £200)


New Member
Now, this is just my experience and so it may not be aplicible to you limeys but when I'm at a tourney over here they don't check to see weather the tank is in fact DOT or HSE or what ever, they just check to see that the tank isn't all scratched up and the date is still good. Infact, I bet if you asked most of the fill station operatiors over here what the difference between DOT and HSE is they wouldn't be able to tell you uness they were familiar with European tourneys.
just my $0.02 (American)


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA

I am glad you like the motto. I have to give the K2 Machine the credit because I stole it from them, but it sounded cool so I had to have it.

To put it plain and simple, the only difference in DOT and HSE is nothing just a different stamp. Bottom Line.


New Member
I don't know about HSE testing but over here in the States the test facilitys fill the tanks up to 5/3 their operating pressure with water in a special tank to check for defects and such. Does HSE do exactly the same thing or are they more stringent as someone said earlier?