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Air System


Performance By Design
Jul 7, 2001
Burb !!!!

This is true as I know that the Nitro Duck tanks are not allowed in this country yet due to the test on them...if you require any info on this and other matters ..ring Andy at Phoenix Paintball Tel 01543451454 he is having trouble with the tanks for Nitro Ducks!!

Regards Tony


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001
I dont think it can be done.........

I have spoke to Jackie at Airgun Designs, who explained to me that its the way they are produced (not tested).

Apparantley they are looking at international standards, but this could take 5 years.

I am gutted!!! £170, on a lovely shiney new air system, which im going to have to strip the bottle off and buy a standard HSE bottle.

And my previous one was a lovely silver fibre wrapped one..


Still if anyone has any ideas,

let me know


Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2001
Griffin, GA, USA

I have never been checked before in this country. My bottle is DOT but I am American so I guess I am exempt. Even at Campaign no one was checking bottles. Hmmmm makes you wonder.


#1 Soi Cowboy.
Nov 27, 2001
Do you live in America, as your address is in the UK?

I have been told that you rarely get checked, but i am always the unluck one!!

And being my first year as a tournament played i dont want to get pointless point deductions.


UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Ok does look like I was wrong
but all the first tanks to be run using compressed air in this country were all DOT tested and they were imported by .........
Leave that for you to work out
And as for the bottle being made different....I don't think so are you really as a manufactuer going to say "ah today we are making DOT bottles so we can save on materials" and the next day say "oh **** we are making HSE bottles so we have to spend more time on them"
They make them the same ...just different labels to indicate that it has gone through more/harder tests
Does the bottle know that an American is using the DOT bottle when he flys in to play Campaign so it won't fail on him?
This is gonna start something more suited to Speak your Brains
but this is also a serious subject that does need to be addressed.
As our "laws" currently read DOT is IS wrong for a resident to be using one but as for 5 years the manufacters can provide the specs of the construction of the bottles they make for DOT and HSE and the differences are?.....a label !! see above for the bottle thinking.
That says straight away that there isn't a difference.
I fully expect to get flamed on this but I have put both sides of the story here so it is a balanced post.

P'D Off

P'd Off with everything!
Sep 6, 2001
In my bedroom
Visit site
I am sure that I will be corrected if I am wrong, however I understand the following to be true.

HSE / DOT stamping can only be carried out at manufacture.

As far as I am aware the difference between the standards is minimal.

Neither the US or Europe are going to allow a bottle to be dangerous in either continent. It is all down to politics.

However paintball sites, in the UK, are only insured for HSE certified bottles. If you are using a DOT bottle, you are not insured and are therefore, making the site operator break the law by allowing you to play.

I have played several tournaments in the Millenium series, and have allways had my bottle checked prior to the first fill, until Campaign this year. Nobody checked any bottle for either DOT/HSE 4500/3000, or date of test. That was a joke.

An example for you:-

One of our least experienced players went to the fill station with his 3000 psi fibre wrapped bottle.

He managed to get 4500 psi in it as he went to the wrong fill rig. The fill station was not identified, and his bottle not marked with maximum pressure as at Tolouse. (Different coloured cable ties etc.)

If you require information as to the legality of your air system, contact Steve Bull at the UKPSF

Yours as allways P'D Off


Performance By Design
Jul 7, 2001
To Cjohns and Burb

Hi guys,

Well firstly BURB...yes CJohns is living in the UK but the trouble is since he is a American he is ok to use a DOT Tank.....
In the UK we most use HSE standard Tanks.....It is one of them things...I would say nothin to anyone and cover it up if I had one and then hope no-one checked it......Good mate...

Cjohns !! Love the fuellied by motto lol........ You no where to go for Help and Sponsorship mate...

All the best fellas..........
Maxem Pro-Paintball
Performance By Design !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Performance By Design
Jul 7, 2001
Mark UK Cougars

You are spot on mate.........
The trouble now is How do you sort it..????? you cant ask every paintballer in the world to change there bottles/tanks.....to DOT or Hse

Best left for the experts........Yet I wouldnt say anything....Because there are alot of UK ballers Using DOT Tanks...

Best Advise to them and others on this matter..."Let laying dogs lay"

Best Regards


UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Well politics it is then I did email Bully to get him to post on here to give "the word" but nothing as yet and I'm sure it will be very much the same as the previous post ....guess we will have to work on the insurrance people
but just a thought and Niall can probably answer this how was the insurrance sorted for Campaign an exception had to be made for the Americans who were there (non-resident bit already been covered in other posts) so if player X was covered, player Y by an accident of birth wasn't ????? think you can see where I'm going with this. So if all was ok with the insurrance then it can be good everywhere??