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Accuracy or Speed?


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
If the marker is legal (no bounce etc...) and he can get 28 bps then respect to him. I've never used a DM4 so is there some bounce issue I'm not familiar with?

And if it bounces it's technicaly illegal and goes back into the "category 5 illegal firearms" argument. If a marker can be set up to do this then it's more than just tournament illegal...... so most top end markers could be in the crap if someone decided to make an issue out of it. (or if there was an accident/offence involving a bouncy marker).


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
But is Bounce "technically illegal", I've no desire to be the "test case", but I don't know if bouncing and FA are the same thing. The bang switch is being activated on off on off on off by the gun movement not firing by keeping it constantly depressed in the bang mode?

All markers bounce to a degree, cockers certainly do, or can be setup to, hence they could all be "section 5 firearms". Tis too much of a grey area.


Platinum Member
Pulling and releasing the trigger once with more than one ball coming out, is burst not FA...pulling and holding the trigger,and balls coming out till you run out or let go...is FA...
Bounce on the trigger, where by as the marker fires it recocks and then is tripped again on the trigger is not FA....to be FA you would have to be able to press and hold the trigger and get a string of balls...


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
yup......... but I said auto...... not full auto and a burst (even three shots) is auto and therefore illegal. Anything that fires more than one shot per pull is firing automatically i.e. you are taking no action to produce the shots after the first. A bouncing trigger is recocking and firing the marker with no input from you....... it's an automatic action. (I'm talking about serious bounce... obvious bounce with a trigger set so short no marshal would allow it near a field). By law....... one pull, one shot. Anything more is considered as having an automatic action. Bounce is a grey area to us....... but I'm pretty sure the HO would just view it as automatic.


Platinum Member
What are you saying?

Auto..is short for Semi- Automatic..which all modern markers are, they do not require manual re-cocking before another shot can be taken.

Fully Automatic, is where, as described, the weapon automaticly cocks, loads and fires a round, then repeats...with the trigger depressed.

Bouncing requires input from the user, the input is the finger resting against the trigger...if you pull the trigger all the way back, the marker will cease firing....which is not the case in a Full Auto marker or weapon...


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by Skeetmaster
What are you saying?

Auto..is short for Semi- Automatic..which all modern markers are, they do not require manual re-cocking before another shot can be taken.

Fully Automatic, is where, as described, the weapon automaticly cocks, loads and fires a round, then repeats...with the trigger depressed.

Bouncing requires input from the user, the input is the finger resting against the trigger...if you pull the trigger all the way back, the marker will cease firing....which is not the case in a Full Auto marker or weapon...
what I mean is that this is another grey area....... the definition for semi is one pull, one shot, simply holding the trigger at a bounce point is not semi-auto.........it's not full auto either... but legally it's not fitting under the tight definition of what we are allowed. The problem is that the laws we abide by were written for guns..... and they didn't have to think about fully electronic firearms with triggers that could be set to a fraction of an inch pull........ so it's not cut and dried. Are you willing to be a test case? if a HO firearms inspector was to pull the trigger on a bouncey marker a few times, could he get it to bounce? probably wouldn't take him long to work it out......... then what? As hoptpoint said earlier, unless it needs modification to fire auto it's illegal........ and learning how to hold it at the bounce point isn't modification. And the definition of Fully automatic? and Semi? well semi requires conscious action to fire each ball anything else is illegal....... full auto, burst etc.... bounce is a grey area until there's a test case. That's the way our legal system works..."is it illegal?" "dunno..... try it, we'll charge you and find out".


Jul 9, 2001
this thread isn't about full auto, it's about speed vs accuracy.

take the full auto preaching somewhere else please...

There's two things i want to add here.
1. accuracy counts when you have a shot on, and you need to make it. Speed wins when you have to fill a space with paint and try to hit someone running thru it, ( sweet spotting). Most modern guns are relativly accurate, and relativly fast, so in my opinion it's an issue of 'user interface' or how fast and accurate a particular person is with a specific gun.

2. sometimes speed is a hinderance, people get so wrapped up in shooting their guns fast that they forget to play tight, or shoot strait. It happens. To really good players too.
Kyle will vouch for me on this... Danchez picked up a timmy on the weekend, ran out, and got shot in 15 seconds because he forgot to look out for paint because he was focusing onripping the gun so fast.