Originally posted by cowface1812
paul, its where u time the cocker from, where u put an allen key through the top of the cocker.
bloke from besales said so' that is completely shagged'
this was at NvS when he fitted my 3way and had a look and couldnt retime the cocker becasue of it, plus the trigger plate.
Based on that info it sounds like you've got an otherwise working marker with a dodgy hammer lug screw. Unless there's something else going on that they haven't explained.
Don't know why they described the cocker as completely shagged and for a cocker that is a pretty extreme statement.
A new hammer, (Shocktech fat hammer with lug), is £15 + VAT from Planet
if the sear is damaged then the Equilizer roller sear is only £29.74 +VAT
Can't find a price for the trigger plate, (can't be
that expensive), but surely if the worst came to the worst you would just replace the entire frame, possibly with a blade or another 45 grip.
That's the thing with cockers, you can replace absolutely everything on them.
The only think that's left of my cocker that is totally stock and not changed or fiddled with or milled is the ASA, (and I'm thinking of changing that
As the other guys have said ring Jack at Planet or if you can drop the cocker into them and get them to give you a quote.
Dumping it on something as professional as a quick look and an 'it's shagged ' report is a real shame.
Planets number is 0161 872 5572, ask for Jack Wood and get the troglodyte out of his cave in the back