In Mr. Hendsch's defense, perhaps he'll really get at it this time. He's out of National, as already mentioned, but turned it as a move to focus on S7. This is his baby now, I think now, more than ever, he's really the face behind this league. I've got a couple questions that sorta' parrallels this. Did you take better care of your house when you moved out than when you lived with your parents? Do you drive a rental car a bit harder than you do your own? How careful are you with your rented tuxedo when you're half-sloshed at your cousins wedding? Although it's poor form to have such disregard for others' possessions, you can't help but maintain your own stuff a shade better. Now it's time to see what kind of mess Chuck's house really is.
Fingers crossed for Donna Reid.
Fingers crossed for Donna Reid.