I have to disagree with you Rael on your categorization of the respective leagues, although my predictions are long-dollar.
I say the Super7 edges PSP by the end of the season for the simple reasons of being more world unifying, the smaller format translates much easier to X-Ball, and I think with the forecasted, large quantity of interested teams signing in, the flock will... er, flock. PSP is the same as it ever was, and S7's the new, shiny league, and I believe that to be the draw right now. I'm, of course, just a cynical as the next fella' pertainaing the problems and shortfalls this league will surely have this season, but along with many others, I'm willing to risk it... I mean, how much worse could it be? I've said before that the players will go where the pro's are, but I also believe quality will supercede all else. Now, if we can just get some quality, eh?