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A letter to Bush


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site

The US has acted out of self-interest (of the presidential backers)on a lot (poss too many) occasions, although in this instance Saddam needs his bottom spanked. Even I admit (po-war as I am), that some of the jingoistic gr@p i've heard from certain sectors (not here), needs nipping in the bud. Was'nt it Oscar Wilde who said "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious", but the Iraqi people have suffered enough. Even if it does become a US puppet state better that than what it has been (I mean Dubai's very nice ;))

You have your opinion I have mine driven by our own circumstances and believes. The arguements for and against military action are always strong, but I reckon the split on this one could be closer to 50/50 than the protesters on Saturday would have people beleive. This is my point, mainly driven by Traffic will be atrocious and trhe missus wants to go shopping. :( :( :(


Prize Muppet
Apr 18, 2002
Warwickshire, UK
Originally posted by stongl

You have your opinion I have mine driven by our own circumstances and believes. The arguements for and against military action are always strong, but I reckon the split on this one could be closer to 50/50 than the protesters on Saturday would have people beleive. This is my point, mainly driven by Traffic will be atrocious and trhe missus wants to go shopping. :( :( :(
50/50 prob about right in my opinion... ANd woe betide anyone who gets between a woman and her shopping....

Here anyway this will cheer us all up ...

Its for sale on Ebay if you want it apparently... :D


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
i think we all agree tho that Saddam is a man who shouldn't be in power because he is very dangerous. I think we all also agree that the iraqi people have suffered enough... at least let's agree on those points.

buddha i don't quite get what you mean when you say your thing. Do you mean that it's saddam's fault that we used DU shells or it's the respective goverments faults for being cheap?!?!?

car is cool....where can i get a mini like that from ?!?! :p


Prize Muppet
Apr 18, 2002
Warwickshire, UK
Originally posted by Mario
i think we all agree tho that Saddam is a man who shouldn't be in power because he is very dangerous. I think we all also agree that the iraqi people have suffered enough... at least let's agree on those points.

buddha i don't quite get what you mean when you say your thing. Do you mean that it's saddam's fault that we used DU shells or it's the respective goverments faults for being cheap?!?!?

car is cool....where can i get a mini like that from ?!?! :p
I cant disagree with that!

Also the car is being sold here apparently

Hey I was all against the war on Iraq, but now its started I'm starting to get swayed towards supporting it. after all where else do you get to see Big explosions and hear big bangs like that everynight live on skynews.
I now say don't go for the land offensive stick with the missile attacks and bombing its far more exciting, better then any arnie film any day. But please can we start having some daylight bombings so we can see the missles coming in and thier vapour trails.

Oh its also good to see the human sheilds running for thier lives when they found out that Bush and Blair didn't care about them:D


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by Flash-Bugout
And as for anything people say about "undemocratically elected leader" blah blah blah - what about GW Bush himself - the man had 250,000 LESS votes than the other dude - is that democratic? Is it heck!
O/T : How Bush got electred and a little bit about teh US procedure for doing it.

The people ge a voice, we DO get to vote. Then a body called hte "Electoral College" actually selects the president. You can click here if you're really intrested in the subject... But the actual "popular vote" is meaningless, it's all about hte EC votes. The founding fathers set it up this way becasue the masses weren't as informed about things as we are now. (Umm... wait...) And I think htey believed that the people would be easily swayed and... ummm... I think I'll move on now...

Florida, California, Illinois, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas are the major EC states. You need 270 EC votes to be elected. In theory, you can carry these 7 (For a total of 210 EC votes), and blow most of the rest of the country, and win the elction. Heck, at that point you'd just need Wisconsin, Tennesee, N. Carolina, Michigan and possibly Alabama! You can actually LOSE on over 50% of the country, and be president if you get the RIGHT votes int he RIGHT areas.

Oh, wait... Dubbya did that, even with the whole Chad thing.... Man, Chad's gotta be angry for taking all that heat....

A bit of US politics lessons... Ok, I'm done.
