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A letter to Bush

Down with france

France is only interested in itself; its crap at fighting wars, when it wasn't losing to the British, it was being defended by us.
Truth is France only help U.S.A because it hated Britain, and realised that we were not going to win, so it saw its chance to stick the boot in on us Brits; thus claiming to have help the yanks. Well i think our Americain friends were doing good enough on their own, in giving us a kickin. French tossers.
Further to the remake about the I.R.A ,yes i do believe that it was the good old U.S.A that funded them up to their eye balls; after all us Brits are all evil, especially women and children in shopping centers! that is why th Irish Republican Army had to plant bombs! to stop us from buying all the bargains.
Have you noticed that lots of countries which have the word Republic seem to harbour terrorists.
Hey but these are just my views and what do i know.


Bloody Yanks!!
Jun 5, 2002
Strong Island
Visit site
Boy do I really love the Left!!I love the part about how we,the Imperialists invaded Afghanistan..Is this guy out of his mind and are these really the people you follow into protests??

Eric Weltman, one of the protest organizers, said it was intended to show opposition not only to the Iraq war but to potential U.S. military action elsewhere.

"We're working now to stop the next invasion," Weltman said. "We've invaded Afghanistan (news - web sites) and Iraq. Who's next? Iran? North Korea (news - web sites)? Colombia?"


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Look, can we just stop arguing about the war? if you haven't noticed it's started, so objecting to it is a waste of time. The only way you can be vindicated if your pro-war is if he actually uses weapons of mass destruction, in which case no one wins. It's clear that this argument will rage pointlessly for weeks, so can we just focus on something we all seem to agree on............

Let's invade France.

Come on, at least our camo works over there.
(And if we all start at one end, we should hit less of our own side. We can do a mass parachute drop into Euro-Disney, it's relatively flat and completely empty).


Quote of the war - no contest.

From Sky News....
"Umm Qasr is a city similar to Southampton," UK defence minister Geoff Hoon said in the Commons yesterday.

"He's either never been to Southampton, or he's never been to Umm Qasr" says a British squaddie patrolling Umm Qasr. Another soldier added: "There's no beer, no prostitutes and people are shooting at us. It's more like Portsmouth".