Umm well what happened to me was painful! I think we were playing a few good men on the x ball field at the time any way the marshal ran over to me to check me and basically got in the way so I stopped firing the next thing I know I have been shot form about 6 inches away in the neck ouch! So I walk off the field in shock bleeding like mad with shell in my neck
2 questions
1 shouldn’t I have been neutral or some thing
2 y aim for the neck (arnt u ment to shoot for there pack)
yer I know I should have been wearing a neck protector and there are quite a few pics of it knocking about so u mite get to seen it
edit: lol just read that over didnt mean it to sound to bitchy apart form that i had a good time and thought that in general it was well run thanks
2 questions
1 shouldn’t I have been neutral or some thing
2 y aim for the neck (arnt u ment to shoot for there pack)
yer I know I should have been wearing a neck protector and there are quite a few pics of it knocking about so u mite get to seen it
edit: lol just read that over didnt mean it to sound to bitchy apart form that i had a good time and thought that in general it was well run thanks