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item not delivered from samfrost1308


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
same, i have 3 claims in at the moment, and i know sweet FA will happen
Its laughable mate... wait 14 days and put in a claim... they then send you a letter saying they have 90 days to investigate... 90 days pass and they then have no idea what claim your talking about!!

Luckily the thing they lost from me was only worth £20, but at the end of the day I had to refund the person who didn't get the item, and £20 is still £20!

Seriously if the company I worked for did things like this we would be out of business. The sad truth is though there isn't really any other choice other than couriers and its dubious if these have any more accountablity than RM :(

With regard to the above case though I wouldn't risk anything of that value RM 1st class and would defo be sending it special delivery for the sake of £5 and just pass the cost on to the buyer/build it in to the asking price.

Hopefully you have more luck than me Lump... but I wouldn't hold my breath, and if you can for the duration required a career in free diving maybe worth persuing ;)


#16 Reading Entity
Nov 4, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
i dont see how royal mail get away with things. i know of a bloke who had bought computer parts worth something like £250. he had it posted 1st class signed for. a guy turned up at his door saying here mate got a parcel that was left in my garden for you. the postman had thrown his parcel over the fence of an empty house, and put a note through the door saying it was "by the fence".

Dont know about you guys but its an outrage, considering this is exactly how parcels are missplaced. and yet royal mail think everything is perfectly fine :)
Or worse still they put them in your bin, and leave a note.
The bin you left out to be emptied :)

First class recorded is insured for about £40, anything over £40 should be sent special delivery.
Then if your parcel doesnt arrive next day before 1pm you get your postage money back. If it doesnt arrive eventually you get the full refund.