just noticed this thread, i have sent the item off, i also have sent a mask to someone else who deosnt seem to have recieved it yet, even though its been at least a week in first class postage. I will go down to my P.O on monday, as i have more things to post, and ask if there has been problems with items being sent out. I can assure everyone that I am no scammer, as scifi says i play at UCZ torquay if you need anyone to vouch for me syd is a well known face. I dont understand why items have not arrived, but i am sure they will very soon and i am sorry for their late arrival, even though it was not my fault
As GeeTee says the weather has caused many issues.just noticed this thread, i have sent the item off, i also have sent a mask to someone else who deosnt seem to have recieved it yet, even though its been at least a week in first class postage. I will go down to my P.O on monday, as i have more things to post, and ask if there has been problems with items being sent out. I can assure everyone that I am no scammer, as scifi says i play at UCZ torquay if you need anyone to vouch for me syd is a well known face. I dont understand why items have not arrived, but i am sure they will very soon and i am sorry for their late arrival, even though it was not my fault