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item not delivered from samfrost1308


Dec 28, 2009
sorry about the attitude and language im just a little anoyed as you might have guessed about the item and to add to it being told it was rubbish about paypal fee thing by lump just sent me over the edge a little.

sorry lump:eek:


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
can you imagine how many of these threads we see ? All who couldn't be bothered to read the rules or the stickies there to help you lot buy in safety :confused: pushes me over the edge as well


Dec 28, 2009
i under stand that and can see your point but from past experience with paypal it is pointless paying the extra as it never covered me for using a forum


Jul 10, 2009
just noticed this thread, i have sent the item off, i also have sent a mask to someone else who deosnt seem to have recieved it yet, even though its been at least a week in first class postage. I will go down to my P.O on monday, as i have more things to post, and ask if there has been problems with items being sent out. I can assure everyone that I am no scammer, as scifi says i play at UCZ torquay if you need anyone to vouch for me syd is a well known face. I dont understand why items have not arrived, but i am sure they will very soon and i am sorry for their late arrival, even though it was not my fault


Jul 10, 2009
also battle i understand your frustration but your taking it out on the 'wrong' people. seriously, bad idea lol
ring royal mail and tell them to get their act together, as if there is any problems at collaton road post office in torquay, thats where it was posted from by me.


I'm a country member!

Gee Tee

1/2 man - 1/2 pogo stick
Mar 21, 2007
Dartford, UK
just noticed this thread, i have sent the item off, i also have sent a mask to someone else who deosnt seem to have recieved it yet, even though its been at least a week in first class postage. I will go down to my P.O on monday, as i have more things to post, and ask if there has been problems with items being sent out. I can assure everyone that I am no scammer, as scifi says i play at UCZ torquay if you need anyone to vouch for me syd is a well known face. I dont understand why items have not arrived, but i am sure they will very soon and i am sorry for their late arrival, even though it was not my fault

FWIW I've already had plenty of hassle with Royal Mail in 2010. I don't think it was helped by snow in the new year, but some items were taking over 2 weeks to arrive after being sent 1st class. I now always send my items recorded delivery. It only costs a few pence extra compared to standard rate most of the time, and gives more chance of tracking items if lost or delayed.

Bear in mind Royal Mail don't consider a 1st class parcel officially AWOL until 14 days have elapsed. So you can't persue any claim until that time. On the subject of paypal disputes.. I've managed to claim several times for items that have not been delivered, mainly stuff purchased overseas. But these were still all paintball forum purchases, so ebay should cover you for this provided you don't use the 'personal payment owed' option.


May 31, 2005
Visit site
just noticed this thread, i have sent the item off, i also have sent a mask to someone else who deosnt seem to have recieved it yet, even though its been at least a week in first class postage. I will go down to my P.O on monday, as i have more things to post, and ask if there has been problems with items being sent out. I can assure everyone that I am no scammer, as scifi says i play at UCZ torquay if you need anyone to vouch for me syd is a well known face. I dont understand why items have not arrived, but i am sure they will very soon and i am sorry for their late arrival, even though it was not my fault
As GeeTee says the weather has caused many issues.
Not saying "told you so" but as it's been covered before recorded delivery at about £o.8o pence extra is well worth it.
Saves a hell of a lot of hassle and heartache..if you can't afford to lose it record it..:)


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
To be honest Royal Mail have became shocking recently. I am still persuing a claim from something lost from the 10th October!