thanks, i appreciate your help. atleast weve ruled out the card!!! so has to be the mount or as yuo say the marker.
i wouldve thought that a BL would have had less kick, but ive only got mechanical markers to try which have one heck of a kick. one thing i didnt ask bambulas was what marker he used..
Your holder which is made from the two pipe clips, are they just bolted together? maybe the camera is to close to the barrel? one thing i havent tried is using the barrel that came with the marker, im using an empire kit barrel, mainly because i dont want to scratch my bl barrel.
Im paintballing this weekend so i might try the first game with my bl barrel and make a film, then switch over for hte rest of the day see what happens. Ill try some tougher foam aswell between the two see what happens.
the only other thing i can think off is trying to make a mount that i can screw to my bike clamp that holds the camera. simialr to your mint tin holder.