shame people could not get as motivated about some thing worth while
Such as helping a young girl with a rare heart condition - PBN's "Paintballers for Peyton" Campaign? I believe it was around $30,000 dollars raised in 7 days?
Socially influenced media is finally beginning to show it's worth, but the very nature of today's seemingly more fractured society (at least IRL) means that getting people to do something noble and "worthwhile" is about appealing to them on a more personal level than ever before.
It is still possible to gather public support/outrage for issues, but when it comes to putting your hand in your pocket, nowadays the "what's in it for me" factor is much higher as large Charities have been bombarding us with increasingly sophisticated techniques to wring those last few pennies from our pockets (if you ever saw the level of detail and cross-referencing contained in reports that Oxfam use to determine how sectors of their campaigns are going, you'd be staggered).
Out of curiosity - what sort of causes did you have in mind?