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I hate christmas!!!


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
Note his location says Sunderland (wrong side of the water) you have to excuse the Mackems they are always to early or to late but never on time :D

Just messing i am sure Sunderland is a lovely place (if it wasnt for the Mackems) :D

Sid Sidgwick

Tinkering ain’t easy
Note his location says Sunderland (wrong side of the water) you have to excuse the Mackems they are always to early or to late but never on time :D

Just messing i am sure Sunderland is a lovely place (if it wasnt for the Mackems) :D
Na Scumderland is an awful place Chriz, Got drunk there once ended up with a tatoo and a sexually transmited disease (dont think they were from the same establishment)....never again.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
Right, let's all club together, and buy Bon a present. We're gonna need to form some sort of group to keep it a surprise. If everyone sticks a quid in paypal, we should be able to get something good. We might even put a smile n his face, the miserable f**ker...


Northern Baller
Sep 23, 2007
Near Newcastle
I vote for buy him a stag run at his local paintball site! 10p a shot all proceeds to charity!

Sid i dont belive you, you have to carry out the act to get riddled and its just not in you bro lol!

Come to think of it both times i have been there on the drink i have been involved in 'altercations'. 6 on 2 the last time.

Shame coz their ladys love the boys from the otherside of the water lol :D


I Would
Dec 6, 2004
Right, let's all club together, and buy Bon a present. We're gonna need to form some sort of group to keep it a surprise. If everyone sticks a quid in paypal, we should be able to get something good. We might even put a smile n his face, the miserable f**ker...
No point mate he's already got one at the bottom of his chimney ...


'Hotgun Al'
Feb 22, 2006
Broseley, nr telford,nr birmingham
Right, let's all club together, and buy Bon a present. We're gonna need to form some sort of group to keep it a surprise. If everyone sticks a quid in paypal, we should be able to get something good. We might even put a smile n his face, the miserable f**ker...
How about we all just club him........

And to add......
I have kids, two young kids. They love christmas and all the magic that it brings little people at that age (4 & 6). Who cares about the truth of the religion or the commercialism ....I enjoy it cos it makes my kids happy.
You simply cant beat christmas morning, waking up to there faces all excited etc etc. then the beers and all the stuff that come with it.

Bon........get a life.....get a girl......then go start to live a little.;)


Oh....and its also the busiest, hardest time of the year for me so dont give me all the commercial cr @p...you watch it on t.v..I live with it!!....14 hour days...pure madness at work. 6 day week yadda yadda so for me its HARD graft....but I still love it because its a happy family time, spent with friends & family.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
South Wales
How about we all just club him........

And to add......
I have kids, two young kids. They love christmas and all the magic that it brings little people at that age (4 & 6). Who cares about the truth of the religion or the commercialism ....I enjoy it cos it makes my kids happy.
You simply cant beat christmas morning, waking up to there faces all excited etc etc. then the beers and all the stuff that come with it.

Bon........get a life.....get a girl......then go start to live a little.;)


Oh....and its also the busiest, hardest time of the year for me so dont give me all the commercial cr@p....you watch it on t.v..I live with it!!....14 hour days...pure madness at work. 6 day week yadda yadda so for me its HARD graft....but I still love it because its a happy family time, spent with friends & family.

Mark Toye-Nexus

Jul 18, 2001
Sarf London
Thread because some representative of one of the churches near me asked me to go to a christmas service, and it realy racks me off because if I wanted to go to one of these services, I would go and ask.
Hmmmm, but this is a paintball website, not somewhere for random rants about nonesense like that.

Presumably you could just say no and leave it there? I mean, unless they bug you on a daily basis hardly a reason to lose the plot?

One day, someone asked me if I would like to go and play paintball, I mean, the bloody cheek, really 'racked' me off.


Oct 12, 2008
North East, Sunderland
all this sunderland bashing! i only live there, im not from there! haha
and tbh, i dont know why you would want the majority of girl from sunderland......
you can have them!
haha, i belive the people putting the decorations up are from manchester or something anyway! lol