Owned both, had a Ego08 first, fantastic stock trigger, easy to use board, really good feeling gun in the hands.
Bought the DM8 about 3 months down the line from the date that I got the Ego08, shot flawlessly, i was fo some unknown reason winning snap shootings more regularly... perhaps i was getting better, but the double stacked tube design makes the ego a little less easier to sight as the top stack is offset forward.
I understand what Mello is saying in post #3 because the sound of that hammer knocking out paint is incredable, they sound brillient and give you the feeling that you'v achieved something with every ball you shoot. BUT the further along timewise that i'v been playing i'v found the DM8 to be the better of the two guns.
Contrary to what others have said in the past about DM's been difficult to maintain this is not at all true, I always clean my guns after every weekends training and have NEVER had a problem with them.
There is little differance in reliability although I would say the Ego's the good choice if you can't be bothered to look after you kit, i'v seen people drag these trhough muddy rainy days, throw them in their bag and use them the next time round a couple weeks down the line with the mud, paint and crap still all over them, yuck!
Price range, DM8's have been selling for around £370ish and Ego08's have been hitting the £400 mark, for £30 pound differance theres very little in it, although i'd get the dm again
Bought the DM8 about 3 months down the line from the date that I got the Ego08, shot flawlessly, i was fo some unknown reason winning snap shootings more regularly... perhaps i was getting better, but the double stacked tube design makes the ego a little less easier to sight as the top stack is offset forward.
I understand what Mello is saying in post #3 because the sound of that hammer knocking out paint is incredable, they sound brillient and give you the feeling that you'v achieved something with every ball you shoot. BUT the further along timewise that i'v been playing i'v found the DM8 to be the better of the two guns.
Contrary to what others have said in the past about DM's been difficult to maintain this is not at all true, I always clean my guns after every weekends training and have NEVER had a problem with them.
There is little differance in reliability although I would say the Ego's the good choice if you can't be bothered to look after you kit, i'v seen people drag these trhough muddy rainy days, throw them in their bag and use them the next time round a couple weeks down the line with the mud, paint and crap still all over them, yuck!
Price range, DM8's have been selling for around £370ish and Ego08's have been hitting the £400 mark, for £30 pound differance theres very little in it, although i'd get the dm again