Hi Yorkie,
Thanks for clarifying this so we can move on from your team, and discuss the real matter that I wanted to discuss and that is supported teams using other bits of kit which manufacturers do not allow, but get away with because it is hidden.
I respect what you are doing, and its great don't get me wrong, your lads were a pleasure to play with in the first game, (said good luck, shook hands at the end) and even the second game, minus a bit of testosterone which is to be expected and easily forgiven let alone your team approaching us to apologise! exactly what is needed even though it was a small thing.
My issue is not with your team, and it is quite clear there is no issue to be had there, my issue is with other people (Jamie Kerr on youtube) on his gear bag video, he rants on about eclipse being the best, finds dye pads and says oh well no one can see them. It happens alot and I wanted to know the general opinion, and as far as I can see Tom Allen believes, it doesnt matter at such a small level and it is something we will just have to live with. Where as Missy and I want to stick up for the integrety of the sport and not let it be over-run by people not sticking to what they agree with a manufacturer.