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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
because you have no idea what's going on

Need i say anymore.
Well i know the two guys that spoke to me said they were sponsored, free stuff or not they have stated their commitment to invert, then they go slagging it off, that is all I need to know to raise any questions.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
2: the more general question: what do people think of teams that misrepresent their sponsors?

the second could be a more productive thread......
Knocked it on the head, the kids that shoot egos while saying sponsored by invert was an example, as I have stated, never used names, and dont want un-needed attention brought upon them.

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
Well i know the two guys that spoke to me said they were sponsored, free stuff or not they have stated their commitment to invert, then they go slagging it off, that is all I need to know to raise any questions.
What commitment to invert.?

I see you having a chat with these guys, with you having your own agenda. I doubt they know what sponsorship is, and i doubt they care.


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
I go back to saying this............. Are they truely sponsored or just boosting their own ego's?

You can count the true sponsored teams in the UK on one hand. So really you are all arguing about a team that in all reality are not even sponsored. Now if we were talking about one of Nexus then yes the guy should be strung up and killed! But we are not we are talking about 2 guys from a small team palying the KOTH event.

I am betting the guys bought the guns may have got the tops and pants for free as part of a package and now think they are sponsored............ they are not!


custard cavalier

New Member
Sep 19, 2006
I go back to saying this............. Are they truely sponsored or just boosting their own ego's?

You can count the true sponsored teams in the UK on one hand. ........... they are not!
and you would still have digits left over.....

I am with missy, out the buggers, before we know what's going on the fkers will be claiming expenses for a frigging duck house on the field.....

the yorkie man

training at bricket wood
Mar 7, 2004
romford essex
Now for the correct facts !!!

Quite a few of you will know me, some of you may not, I’ve been in this sport for about 18 years, i live, eat, breath, paintball and only want what is best for the sport. I’ve helped bring into the sport some of the top players in the UK paintball scene, my players are all taught to play fair and respect the sport and the other players they meet, i have specialised in bringing young players into paintball that would normally not even know our sport, apart from the woodland recball market. i tend only to use this forum for an advisory service as I’ve seen to many people argue over matters they have very little or NO knowledge of, this such thread is a classic example

i am only going to post once on this matter but will read any further replies just as a course of interest.

1. the team in question (Watford reformed) of which I’m very proud

2. the guys in the club use to come to my site Bricket wood on average once a month rec balling, they saw the pro's training, they wanted to set up there own team, an independent company that is responsible for taking inner city kids off the streets and helping them become valued members of society, has got involved and funded the purchase of 10 sets of kit, i contacted a number of suppliers to find the best price and just under £5000 later Kee were the company doing the best deal, the company also pay for there paint and there travel and there torni entry so as i look at it yes the kids are sponsored to play paintball, at no time were they sponsored by any paintball manufacturer. Only by the independent company

3. The kids that now have egos's and the pmr in question have worked very hard on my site to earn the money to buy there own guns and had to show a level of respect for the sport before they were allowed to take them home (a luxury all you ballers take for granted,

4. as for disrespecting there kit and calling it sh!t, the mini's are good little guns and yes when we first got them we had a few problems, thanks to john bon at Kee the problems were solved and now they work fine, but in my experience there are so many cases of new guns from all the different suppliers not working when you first get them this is not unusual, but the kids don’t know this, if you had a choice between a ps or an xbox and the one you chose didn’t work out of the box you would say its sh!t, until it was fixed then you find out its really rather good,

5. The player arguing with the reff was pulled up as soon as he left the field by me and his SPONSER and informed that was not the kind of behaviour expected and was banned from the next game, so we have a very strong discipline in our team, last month at koth we had some very harsh reff calls and i was the one being told to hold my tongue, its hard when you feel you have been treated unfairly maybe I didn’t set a good example to him, it will happen to you at some time see how you feel its hard to hold your feelings in some times. reffs do an amazing job I’ve reffed everything from domestic to millennium and I know we take a lot of sh!t, but we aren’t there to be liked were there to do a job. I’m not excusing his behaviour, however there was a member of a team on Sunday that blew up at a ref far worse, it happens.

so to summarise

1. Yes there sponsored, BUT NOT BY THE INDUSTRY

2. Some of them now own there own guns after working hard for them, allowing more young people to join the club and use the mini's and enjoy our sport,

3. Discipline is good in our team

4. The lads in the club are well mannered and a great bunch to coach

5. And to the young gentleman that started this thread if a team were sponsored in the traditional fashion yes you would have had a valid point

these will be my last word on the matter

ps mini's kick ass but i use an ego



Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Quite a few of you will know me, some of you may not, I’ve been in this sport for about 18 years, i live, eat, breath, paintball and only want what is best for the sport. I’ve helped bring into the sport some of the top players in the UK paintball scene, my players are all taught to play fair and respect the sport and the other players they meet, i have specialised in bringing young players into paintball that would normally not even know our sport, apart from the woodland recball market. i tend only to use this forum for an advisory service as I’ve seen to many people argue over matters they have very little or NO knowledge of, this such thread is a classic example

i am only going to post once on this matter but will read any further replies just as a course of interest.

1. the team in question (Watford reformed) of which I’m very proud

2. the guys in the club use to come to my site Bricket wood on average once a month rec balling, they saw the pro's training, they wanted to set up there own team, an independent company that is responsible for taking inner city kids off the streets and helping them become valued members of society, has got involved and funded the purchase of 10 sets of kit, i contacted a number of suppliers to find the best price and just under £5000 later Kee were the company doing the best deal, the company also pay for there paint and there travel and there torni entry so as i look at it yes the kids are sponsored to play paintball, at no time were they sponsored by any paintball manufacturer. Only by the independent company

3. The kids that now have egos's and the pmr in question have worked very hard on my site to earn the money to buy there own guns and had to show a level of respect for the sport before they were allowed to take them home (a luxury all you ballers take for granted,

4. as for disrespecting there kit and calling it sh!t, the mini's are good little guns and yes when we first got them we had a few problems, thanks to john bon at Kee the problems were solved and now they work fine, but in my experience there are so many cases of new guns from all the different suppliers not working when you first get them this is not unusual, but the kids don’t know this, if you had a choice between a ps or an xbox and the one you chose didn’t work out of the box you would say its sh!t, until it was fixed then you find out its really rather good,

5. The player arguing with the reff was pulled up as soon as he left the field by me and his SPONSER and informed that was not the kind of behaviour expected and was banned from the next game, so we have a very strong discipline in our team, last month at koth we had some very harsh reff calls and i was the one being told to hold my tongue, its hard when you feel you have been treated unfairly maybe I didn’t set a good example to him, it will happen to you at some time see how you feel its hard to hold your feelings in some times. reffs do an amazing job I’ve reffed everything from domestic to millennium and I know we take a lot of sh!t, but we aren’t there to be liked were there to do a job. I’m not excusing his behaviour, however there was a member of a team on Sunday that blew up at a ref far worse, it happens.

so to summarise

1. Yes there sponsored, BUT NOT BY THE INDUSTRY

2. Some of them now own there own guns after working hard for them, allowing more young people to join the club and use the mini's and enjoy our sport,

3. Discipline is good in our team

4. The lads in the club are well mannered and a great bunch to coach

5. And to the young gentleman that started this thread if a team were sponsored in the traditional fashion yes you would have had a valid point

these will be my last word on the matter

ps mini's kick ass but i use an ego

Hi Yorkie,

Thanks for clarifying this so we can move on from your team, and discuss the real matter that I wanted to discuss and that is supported teams using other bits of kit which manufacturers do not allow, but get away with because it is hidden.

I respect what you are doing, and its great don't get me wrong, your lads were a pleasure to play with in the first game, (said good luck, shook hands at the end) and even the second game, minus a bit of testosterone which is to be expected and easily forgiven let alone your team approaching us to apologise! exactly what is needed even though it was a small thing.

My issue is not with your team, and it is quite clear there is no issue to be had there, my issue is with other people (Jamie Kerr on youtube) on his gear bag video, he rants on about eclipse being the best, finds dye pads and says oh well no one can see them. It happens alot and I wanted to know the general opinion, and as far as I can see Tom Allen believes, it doesnt matter at such a small level and it is something we will just have to live with. Where as Missy and I want to stick up for the integrety of the sport and not let it be over-run by people not sticking to what they agree with a manufacturer.


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Yorkie my man, sounds like you're doing something genuinely good for the kids involved. I wish you and them all the best in the future and this worthy endeavour :)
I feel like a moany tart, having heard their story. Please dont select read, I am not saying these boys are a disgrace to paintball as they clearly are not, just speak your brains on guys supported by a manufacturer and using other manufacturers parts to 'boost their game' and slagging off their manufacturers parts.