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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Guys, as I have stated, I am not going to run and tell my mum that these bad boys have been telling fibs and not sharing, this post is mainly to ask whether there is any point in talking to the team about them breaking the sponsorship.

I also know about the lies teams tell to boost their egos, why I stated I give them the benefit of the doubt, so I will ifnd out if this is true by kee.

Tbh, this isnt a wanted thread for a witch hunt its just a speak your brains thread.

P.s. The second reason for the thread is the pointless erruption at a referees call that one of the guys caused and that meant a lot of talks between teams about said team.



Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
Now if it is true and they are sponsored and they get dropped they will know where to look!

Well done you
:eek: and I wore a plat jersey with paintballJett on it that day :eek:

If they lose their sponsorship its because they didnt honour their agreement not because a few people that day reported them.

:rolleyes: I will keep wearing my jersey at Koth if anyone wants a word :rolleyes:

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
1)Guys, as I have stated, I am not going to run and tell my mum that these bad boys have been telling fibs and not sharing, this post is mainly to ask whether there is any point in talking to the team about them breaking the sponsorship.

2)P.s. The second reason for the thread is the pointless erruption at a referees call that one of the guys caused and that meant a lot of talks between teams about said team.

1) And tell them what? You won't be telling them anything new. I don't see any reason at all why anybody other than their sponsor (if real) should have a word with them. Or do you have a word with all the people that drive too fast as well?

2) That just makes them look pro. ;)


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
do you get the jersey when your a plat member? cause i was very jealous.:D
Nice lil jersey isnt it. Really depends how many people want it, as you have to split the costs.

The plat jersey is organised by a loyal follower of this forum, and being the star that he is he has organised one for the last two years. 50 people went in on this and it cost me £47.00 plus postage. Well worth it, just so people know who to come and beat up :D


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2008
Sm5 2lw
1) And tell them what? You won't be telling them anything new. I don't see any reason at all why anybody other than their sponsor (if real) should have a word with them. Or do you have a word with all the people that drive too fast as well?

2) That just makes them look pro. ;)
1) Just let them know that they get no respect from me, all people crave respect, you never know what might happen.

2) I agreed, until the boy arguing walked off wiping not paint but tears off his face.


we work hard for our sponsors - and they are sponsors, not supporters.

in fact SP only offered this level of sponsorship to 2 teams worldwide this year.....one of them being dynasty.

for that reason we will do our damnedest to do our best for them in all ways. we are loyal to them, and they are loyal to us. we know exactly how fortunate we are, and will never do anything to jeopardise that.

sponsorship is a privilige, and also a form of contract. if that team has agreed to do something for their sponsors and don't, then they are in breech. it is just a low thing to do.

of course this all depends on whether the team are actually sponsored. are they merely supported, or maybe just negotiated a good bulk purchase price.....and are misusing the word sponsored?