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New size paintballs?

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Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
I thought the whole thing was one flawed argument, and I would have real trouble isolating individual flaws. That would take some real work.

once again a completely informative and useful post by Q...

suppose i better spell it out..

Explain why it is flawed then.


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Jan 31, 2005
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Not the same. Its the difference between firing as fast as you can, or as fast as you are allowed.
Struggling to reload your splatmaster ready for the next shot is part of the game, and you can get better/faster at it if you practice. Pulling the trigger over and over until your gun fires is just frustrating.
It's the same. You pull the trigger and a ball doesn't come out is just as frustrating whether it's because it hasn't been 2 seconds yet or your 12 gram is out or there's no more paintballs left from the 10-round tube or a ball just didn't drop when you rocked or you didn't push the whatever it is hard enough to lock the bolt forward. And if you think not being able to shoot for 10 seconds is annoying, imagine how annoying it is not being able to shoot for 15 seconds while changing a 12-gram!

"Fast as you can" and "fast as you are allowed" is the same thing. It's just whether it's mechanically limited (rock and ****) or electronically limited. But even in the electronically limited case, as a player gains more experience, they will become much better at knowing exactly how long 2 seconds is and shooting the gun only every two seconds.


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Jan 31, 2005
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You failed the test.

What you posted makes no sense at all. It reeks entirely of someone trying very very hard to post something that makes them look smart and in the process absolutely convinces the audience that they do not have a clue.

Here's a tip, if you follow one paragraph with another paragraph explaining how your first paragraph might not be true after all, what you've just done there is argued that you have no idea what you're talking about. If you did, you would have picked one or the other, not tried to advance both arguments so you can pretend to have been right either way.

Durring my week off (which was surprisingly productive!) I was thinking about this, and the heavier fill option to me while holding some merit wouldn't realistically work in practise.
Here's the first example: "While holding some merit" and then "wouldn't realistically work in practice". So what your saying is, it could work, except that it can't work? Does the idea have merit or not? Make up your mind! But no, you couldn't decide what the right answer was, so you just said both, forcing us to read a paragraph that MEANS NOTHING AT ALL!

A heavier fill means more raw ingredients needed
This sentence doesn't mean anything, because you didn't specify what you mean by "more". More volume? No. More mass? Sure. Which did you mean? If you meant volume, you're clearly wrong, and if you meant mass, then again, you just wrote another sentance that doesn't actually mean anything, because your sentence would say "A heavier fill means heavier ingredients are needed." Gee, thanks for that valuable insight.

Besides, you've missed what really matters entirely. It doesn't matter if MORE is needed. What matters is that DIFFERENT materials are needed. Then the question becomes, are the different materials more or less expensive?

, im assuming that somewhere along the way to make it more profitable, certain items are "watered down".
Well, that depends - is the new heavier fill material more or less expensive than the lighter fill material? Or about the same? If it's less expensive or about the same, "watering it down" certainly wouldn't make it more profitable. So right off, your assumption is baseless.

A from a business perspective mass producing paint to be used on the feild would invlove maximising how much watering down you can do.
Only if heavier fill is more expensive.

Eliminating the heavier fill option.
Unless, of course, the manufacturer just paid the costs of having a heavier fill (if a heavier fill is even more expensive than a lighter one).

Plus, your logic is dead broken anyway. If a manufacturer must water down anything as much as possible to mass produce it effectively, how come paintballs are not all just filled with 100% water? Clearly a paint company that fills their paint with just water would save the most money on materials and be the most successful, right? And on top of that, not only is the paint cheaper, but if you get thirsty on the field, just pop a pod and you're all set!

The standard paintball, as you shoot it undergoes various laws of physics,
Oh my god! I can't believe we missed that! Stuff obeys laws of physics! It was staring us in the face the whole time!

now simplified down, I would imagine they go something like this.
Simplified is not a synonym for "made entirely wrong".

[*]Ball accelerated, shell deforms slightly, paint inside the shell gets pushed to the back.
The ball doesn't deform. It's a sphere with uniform pressure on the surface area of each hemisphere. Also, in order for the paint to get pushed to the back, there has to be empty volume within the sphere, of which there is a negligible amount.

[*]Ball leaves barrel, shell stards to snap back into normal shape,
Except it wasn't out of shape.... what shape do you think it was in?

spin is caused by this,
Assuming for a second that the paintball does change shape, how does reverting shape induce spin? The paintball is symmetrical in all directions about the axis of travel. If the left side and right side are the same, is it going to spin left or right? (Answer: The seam, the only part that is not symmetrical, will determine. And the seam is randomly oriented.)

some paint on the inside of the shell moves with the shell,
Does the paint get together and vote on who gets to move with the shell and who has to be in the blob? Or is paint divided up into shell followers and blob followers? OR is it just that the lazier paint stays in the blob with most of the other paint and only the more proactive paint moves with the shell?

however the majority of paint just sits there against the back of the ball as a blob.
What if they don't have enough votes? Do the minority still sit against the back of the ball?

When the paint exits the barrel, it's all going in the same direction at the same speed. It is all going to continue to go in the same direction at the same speed unless some force acts on it to change that. That's just basic Newton's 1st Law. If you don't even understand that, you have no business even using the word "physics". Not even "simplified" physics, since classical mechanics *IS* simplified physics!

[*]Ball flies through the air, wind resistance, other factors kick in, due to the majority of the mass of the paintball not spinning, the accuracy of the ball falters.
This is the least wrong part of your post. External forces will change the trajectory of the paintball. If the ball were to be spinning (which it isn't), it has angular momentum, and it takes more force to change the angular momentum, thus reducing the impact of external forces on trajectory.

A flatline would i guess force the ball to spin faster upon exiting the barrel, so more of the paint mass is spining with it,

but still leaving a lot to be desired.
What the hell does that mean? Seriously. Leaving a lot of WHAT to be desired?

I do however, believe a barrier inside the paintball attached to the shell would work (imagine cutting an orange in half, then each half having its own fill of paint, attaching them together to make the ball), so rather than having the shell spin and merely rub against the paint, it would have an active "stirrer" causing a centrifuge effect forcing the paint to the outside edge and spinning with the shell.
*IF* there was any spin, this would make the paintballs less accurate, since the divider would be randomly oriented relative to the direction of spin. If the divider happens to be perpendicular to the spin axis, it has no effect. If it's parallel to the spin axis, it has maximum effect. Random resistance to force is the last thing you want for accuracy.

This would also have the knock on effect of reducing the impact forces needed to break the shell, the central barrier would cause weak points where it connects to the outside shell, so when it hits it would be more likely to break on these points.
Dead-ass wrong. Additional structure INCREASES strength, not decreases it.

Implementing this however, is something for those clever boys to work out, if possible at all.
Oh, so this is all possible, unless it isn't possible. Thanks.

Then again, maybe not.
Oh, so it IS possible, if it is possible?

Here's a tip: If you want to pretend you have any understanding of something, you have to also pretend you are right. If, after spewing a bunch of BS, you then tell people it might not be true, then everyone knows you're full of it, because you just said so!

But the heavier fill option to me seems like a very bad arguement
An option is not an argument!

For future reference, the "Brain Box" forum is designed for people with substantially effective brains to discuss various topics. It is not the box where your brain is stored. Come back when you find that box.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot

Well, Chicago butchered Bon's post nicely, no need for me to go over it again. Although I hasten to add that Chi may have been a little harsh at times... :D

The ONLY thing I disagree with in Chi's post, is this bit:

The ball doesn't deform. It's a sphere with uniform pressure on the surface area of each hemisphere. Also, in order for the paint to get pushed to the back, there has to be empty volume within the sphere, of which there is a negligible amount.
There is no equal pressure on each hemisphere. The hemisphere pointing towards the back end of the gun will get a lot more pressure than the one at the front end, otherwise the paintball would just sit in your gun and do nothing. After all, if equal force is applied from opposing directions, the end result is no movement at all.

Unless Chicago meant hemispheres in a top and bottom sense, they do indeed both suffer from equal pressures.

Paintballs do deform when shot though. This doesn't cause them to spin (as rightly pointed out by Chicago), it does cause them to wobble though. But hey, even golfballs do that.


Timmy Nerd
Feb 22, 2006
The ball doesn't deform.
This is where I stopped reading :rolleyes:

Buddha 3 said:
Although I hasten to add that Chi may have been a little harsh at times...
Ill take your word for it his post was somewhat correct. As for being harsh, just means I can add someone to my list :D

I remember the last Bon/MissyQ fight....

This could be epic....
That angels are (and always have been, and always will be) total peices of crap one? I had that won in my first post.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY

You failed the test.

For future reference, the "Brain Box" forum is designed for people with substantially effective brains to discuss various topics. It is not the box where your brain is stored. Come back when you find that box.
A rare opportunity to applaud Chicago. My own point was far broader, and was basically that the main single flaw of the post is that Bon is posting in the brain-box, and yet clearly has no idea what he is talking about. You need experience on a topic to comment wisely on it.

Bon, I really don't remember arguing over your personal opinion about Angels, but if I were you, and I wanted to try to knock me down a peg or 2, I would seriously consider choosing a topic you know more than me about...

...I won't hold my breath.

ps. Chicago totally pwned you, I mean, I just re-read his post, and I'm amazed you even responded to it Bon. He seriously smashed you and left you at the side of the road for dead. The way he picked through your BS was epic. Did you feel embarassed at all?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
"Fast as you can" and "fast as you are allowed" is the same thing. It's just whether it's mechanically limited (rock and ****) or electronically limited. But even in the electronically limited case, as a player gains more experience, they will become much better at knowing exactly how long 2 seconds is and shooting the gun only every two seconds.
I disagree.
If 5 guys (never played before) play with splatmasters, for 3 days, then the most dextrous ones will, on the third day, be shooting at a higher rate of fire than the least dextrous, because, up to the point of maximum pheasable cycle-time, improvement is possible.

So therefore you can get better/faster at reloading a splatmaster with practice - (as fast as you can)
Billy ball is strictly limited to a preset maximum. - (as fast as you are allowed)

I will add that I have not used Billy-Ball in a game situation, only on a range, and I'm open to insight from people that have actually played games with it.
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