In all honesty whatever happens to her money is now the choice of her children - if they want to donate some then they can and if they want to use it purely for themselves then that is also their decision.
Jade Goody was told in February that her cancer was terminal and that she had a matter of weeks to live. 22nd of February she got married, 7th March she christens her children (during the ceremony she needed to be treated). 22nd March she sadly left this world.
Jade did what any mother would do - she thought of her children first, she may not have been the brightest spark but she used the one thing that she could to ensure that her children will forever be provided. The media tried to humiliate her, belittle her, made her as famous as what she is and then tried to destroy her, so is it really any surprise that it is the media she used to make sure her children are provided for.
Yet through her pain and sadness she found a way to pass on a message to help thousands of young girls - surely this cannot have been easy and for this I applaud her.
But whatever you thought of her whatever your opinions are: a husband is now without a wife, friends are without a mate and 2 young boys are without there mother. I am sure that if they could return all that money and be forced to live on the streets just so that they could have their Jade back they would do it in an instant.
No money can ever replace a life, every life is special and is worth more then any materialistic items.
Sorry the post is so long.