BigJim, you are right, I also think MMA is the future, even though in 5 years you can basically swap out the three letters of MMA and change them to UFC because this will undoubtedly dominate and become the defining brand of MMA.
There are many reasons why UFC will overhaul traditional boxing, most palatable, some not so, but it's a tide that will stop for no man.
As for your take on Hamilton, pretty much right, he's a media hype who can drive a bit fast.
The press seem want to define him with two USPs, he is black and he is a newcomer and obviously relatively young.
For some reason, these two aspects seem to elevate him above all others, not only in F1 but now the Hamilton hype is being shifted toward the BBC Personality Award's media BS, complete and utter hogwash.
The third somewhat important factor to the Hamilton BS bubble is, he has won a few races.
Well done Hamilton, pat on the back mate ....... hold on a minute here, before I start going handing out any congratulations, am I saying this guy's the best driver at that event???
Let me ask you this, were you to put any of the other top drivers in his car, what then?????
We all know Hamilton drives the fastest car along with Ferrari, can we really call it the driver's championship when Hamilton wouldn't win it in another car and other drivers have a much better chance if they drive the Mclaren of Ferrari????
No we can't, calling it a 'driver's' championship is a joke.
Put them all in the same spec'd car, then go race, then we find out the best driver, anything less than that is media hype.