the p68 takes me back to the first time i ever played, i took out 3 guys that day all with their own guns, but got shot out more times than not. Does anyone have a picture of a mythical beast called the sabot air canon, i had heard about these things but neve rhad the chance to see oneThere seems to have been a lot of chat recently about pump guns and i thourght i would start a thread where people can post pics of their pumps.
Heres mine to start with
The Phantoms
Top - VSC phantom with right hand SC feed, Rainman Customs CCM undercocking, freak back with 6" stiffi tip, CCM 86 degree grip frame.
Middle - VSC phantom with duckslide.
Bottom - Back Bottle with tapped valve for the guage.
The Sterlings
Top - New type of VSC
Middle - Post 2000 STP, my main open class.
Bottom - Pre 2000 with SC feed
The Sheridans
Top - KP2 with extended spring feed, derrellin bolt and quick changer.
Middle - Standard P68SC
Bottom - Punisher Customs PGP
And a simple PTP Cocker
Family Picture
So lets see what every1 else has got.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place mods.
used one in the 90s at the old darenth hospital site god it had a kick on it like a muleRead some reviews of the Sabot in PGi - late 80's AFAIR. It was made out of pvc plumbing pipe and fired around 50-100 balls at a time. The balls were held inside polystyrene drinking cups, and it seemed to work pretty well. Would be a laugh at a big scenario game - this is a more modern version.
or you could go DIY and make one?