haha, she said do do.Now the quote and responce to this can be found under the top ten teams thread - but to prevent the chitty chat continuing i decided to repost on here.
Firstly I would like to say this is far from an attack on the mods, the mods on here all do a great job and set a damn good example to those new to the scene, but Mr Stongle here has really wound me up.
With p8ntballer becomming ever more popular surely the mods should be setting examples rather than belittling the women in the sport. Im not a overt feminist, infact i probably wouldnt even class myself as feminist at all but people should be encouraging others into the sport regardless of age / gender and a statement like that should be taken seriously.
We all joke about women being worse than men at the sport - and it can be fun to jest but on a forum tones are very hard to determine which is why we have smileys and often take a moment to re-think before we click that magical post button. There are some great female players around the world, you only have to look at shelly, alicia and kat to see that. Take a look accross the poind at Destiny (US) an all female team - they have just signed a 15 year old girl they may not be pro but they are still new and my god they train hard, surley they deserve respect in ability? woman are and always will be apart of paintball, so maybe you should think before you post, cause numbers of us are only going to increase.
I see no humour in this statement. If you dont want women in the tourneys set up a male only one.
The attitude that woman over-react and should only be around the sport for entertainment is damn stupid - some will probably read this and say I am over-reacting! but am I? People work so hard to open up the sport to women, including myself and its a hard sport to manage when you are female. We arent stupid and know its male dominated and know that it probably always will be but why just judge like that? Had someone else said a comment like that they would have gotten a warning or something, are rules different for mods?
Please keep responces in an adult and mature tone, the mods do do a good job and we all make mistakes sometimes I just felt this needed to be voiced.
I love women, but I couldnt eat a whole one.... though I think I'd know where I'd start.