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Leading by example


May 15, 2006
Central London
good glad you got that off your chest you happy now ? like i care now sod off back to the states :p

talking of yanks any one seen jermstad of late :confused:
I saw him at the first round of the masters, I believe he said he was doing his year of experience in the field for his Uni' course(so actually doing some real hard graft ;){by the way, is that comment student'ist? :p}); or something along those lines :)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Not at all, I clearly agree with Cook$. You were offended by it, point made. I would like to know why you consider my post irresponsible?

As for other people, I am sure you will soon figure out there is a new bandwagon every day for people to board. I wonder how many of the same people can be found posting for the sake of posting in many other threads? And on that subject, you conveniently neglect to mention the amount of people who have agreed that it was a harmless throwaway comment with no malice intended.

I am certain that a discreet PM to the Mod in question would have had your issue resolved however you felt obliged to choose a different route.

I am entitled to my opinion as is everyone on this forum, being a Mod does not change that for one second.

And yes my mistake Kitty, not Kat too many felines floating around. I am more a doggy type :)


Aug 16, 2007
Oahu, Hawaii / London UK
IM sure a discreet PM would have worked had i been the only one, but i got a couple of IMs from people about it aswell so i fiured air it - I prevented the draining of the other thread by making this one which i fiured was the correct forum to do so. If im honest i did not expect such a responce. Im not saying this forum should be all about the PCness thats not how paintballers, or indeed most people are, we are outspoken by nature it comes of thriving off adreniline - but fact of the matter still lies that comment was taken by offensive by a few and its a shame but I still say that mods as spangley has said represent PGI, P8nt and to some extent the comunity over here... had it been a black comment or gay comment it would have sparked a similar reaction. Why because it was a derogetory commet to women does it become different?

And everyones opinions are valid ones, but this is mine and a few others, band wagon or not. Im not posting for the sake of posting.

Damn i need caffine.


Planet Eclipse
Jul 17, 2003
Ok i'm suffering RBI

Repetitive Boredom Injury

This thread could go on forever with someone saying it was harmless, then kitty repeating how its offended more than one person, then someone else saying blah blah

I think the message has been put across by both sides of each party and it can be left.


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
A closing statement from me... Nothing is a big deal, unless you make it a big deal. It may have been wrong, but none of the arguments would have happened, until someone complained. And it's not a big deal really, is it? The more posts we put between this and post #1, the less sensible it seems, the more it seems like an argument for the sake of arguing. As TomO said, the arguments have been put across, and that's all that can be done.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
If Glen (Stongle) posts an apology, he'll get a slap from me. Which I guarantee will be lot more painfull than any slapping he'll get from PB Kitty. And before anybody pops a vein, that's not sexist, it's simple physics, with my hands being twice as big and all.

Why would he get a slap for me? Because he would be a d!ckless bitch (and that's a big deal for a man, we all are very fond of our penises). He has said nothing wrong. His statement of being a tw@t made it blatantly obvious how his comments should be interpreted. Anyone remember that scene from Borat where the dude tries to teach him sarcasm? I suggest all you nay-sayers go watch that again...
If you were offended by what Glen said, you need to ask yourself some serious questions. Maybe your feet are too big, as it seems your toes are so easily stepped on.

Or was it that time of the month when you threw your hissy fit? That would make so much sense to us men. (and yes, I'm being a tw@t now as well, and no, I'm not using a smiley, just to see if you get it this time around...)

The most sensible post I've seen in this thread is where it said this thread needs more Robbo.

Oh, and as far as us representing PGI, its publishers, p8ntballer and the pope, so the fcuk what? You must have never read the magazine. PGI is one of the few mags around that is not afraid of a little controversy and shin kicking. Go read it, you'll find sarcasm, double entendres and innuendo all over its pages.

Now don't anybody dare to disagree with me. I am a mod dammit!

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
so what if he is joking? well its still sexist.

if i make a joke about black people/jews/muslims its still racist regardless of how i intended it
Actually no it is only racist if it offends

(If you work for local government - you, a white person, can hear a black joke in a conversation between two black friends at work and if you think its offensive then those two friends can be disciplined for being racist)

The Black and White Minstrel Show was labelled racist
Lenny Henry started his career as a Black and White Minstrel
Does that make him racist

Some idiot London borough once tried to get the Robertson's Golly banned
When I was a kid getting any toy with a black face on it was a luxury
I had the whole Golly Football set.
Black people all over the country sided with Robertson's and if you look now the golly has slowly disappeared by itself over the years, though I believe you can still save up and get a golly badge